Page 30 of Abel

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I laugh, rolling my eyes. "And here I am."

"Here you are."

"Okay." I roll my lips together. "I wish I had dressed slightly better, but I'm willing to go in there if you want me to and if you're sure she'll be okay with it."

"She'll be fine. Do I need to help bring the food in?"

I close my eyes. "Yeah, I probably made too much, but I wanted to make sure they were taken care of for at least a few days. There's no way I can carry it all by myself."

"I've seen what you make. I'm sure there's enough here to feed an army."

Guilty. "I don't know how to make food for a couple of people. It just isn't in my DNA."

We go to the back of my SUV, and I open the door, showing him the box everything is packed in.

"Jesus Christ, Kara." He shakes his head, a look of astonishment on his face. "This is equal parts amazing and way too much."

"I know," I admit. "But it's what I do."

As we head toward the front porch, and then start ascending the steps, I'm more nervous than I've ever been. I have never met the parents, and this woman is an important part of Abel's story. She's made him who he is today, regardless of if it's the good or the bad part. He cares for her, and her opinion matters. Now I wish I'd taken some time to do my hair, and put on a little bit of makeup, maybe change my clothes into something I haven't been wearing all day while working.

He looks back. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I just wish I'd taken time to wear some better clothes and fix myself up a bit. I didn't really expect to be going inside to meet her."

He sets the box on the front steps, before coming back to where I am. "You're beautiful, no matter what you're wearing, or how you're fixed up. But this," he gestures to the box, "This means more to me than anything you ever could've done. This isn't your family, hell you've never even met them, but you know they mean a lot to me. And the fact you wanted to make things easier on them? That tells me more than anything how right we are for each other, and just how much you care about me."

I'm hoping what I can't speak is here in my actions. Speaking words and showing emotions aren't my strong suit, but as I've already told him, making sure people are fed is my love language. "I do, I care about you a lot. Maybe even enough to have included a meal in there for you with your name on it."

"Is it an enchilada?" He grabs hold of his stomach.

"It is."

He dips his knees and groans. "Those are so good. I'm starving too, I couldn’t handle food while I was waiting to hear how she came out."

"I figured. Should we go in?" The waiting is killing me. I'm not a patient person, especially when I'm anticipating something. It makes the anxiety higher, and I almost psyche myself out.

"Yeah, we should. Sorry. She's gonna love you."

"I hope so," I whisper.

He goes through the door before me. "Mom, I've got someone here for you to meet. She brought food. So, I know you're going to love her immediately."

There's a weak laugh from the couch. "That's definitely the way to my heart. I'm sorry we couldn't meet on better terms. I would get up...'

"Please don't." I rush forward. "I didn't wanna bother you at all, but he insisted I come in." I throw a fake punch at Abel's arm.

"No, you're not bothering me. I promise. I want to meet you, and this is the perfect time to do it. Takes my mind off of everything going on right now."

Abel grabs my hand. "Mom, this is Kara. Kara, this is my mom, Heidi."

"It's very nice to meet you." She gives me a finger wave. "I've heard a lot about you, not from him, because he keeps his mouth shut about everything. But your name is all over town thanks to the food truck. Everyone I know is eating there at least once a week. I've tried it a couple times myself, and it's very, very good."

It means a lot to hear this from her. "Thank you. It makes me happy to hear that. Especially since I made all this food."

"She made me an enchilada..."

Everyone laughs at the way he says it.
