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“Nico,” I gasp out, my hair wild and the feel of sand everywhere. He comes down on top of me, shifting his body until he is settled between my parted thighs. His hard cock rubs against my clit causing a delicious friction. I stifle a moan, not wanting him to hear what he is doing to me. “Get off me,” I hiss, pushing at his chest. My attempts at dislodging him are futile. He is just too big. Too strong.

“No,” he rumbles, a smirk curving his sinful lips as his blue eyes flare with desire.

Before I can argue further, his head drops to the crook of my neck, tongue darting out as he licks a wet trail up the sensitive flesh. I squirm, my stomach tightening with a need that I try to resist. I don’t want to be that girl. The one who accepts being treated like a fool.

“Get off me. Go back to your wife.” I snap, my body wriggling in my attempt to get free.

His hand moves under the material of my dress, trailing up my thigh, toward the place I want him most but don’t want him at all. It’s a complete contradiction, but I am a mixture of emotions right now. He feels so good on top of me, touching me. And I can’t deny the way my body lights up with his touch. Though I hate him with a passion, he is a master when it comes to sex. But… I shouldn’t let him do this.

Pushing my dress up, he shoves my panties to the side. Within seconds his finger is circling my clit. My back arches as pure desire rips through me. And suddenly I’m torn. On one hand, I want to stop it going any further, but on the other hand, it feels too good. It’s been so long since anyone has touched me there and the silly girl that I am, I’m caught up in the sensations running through my body.

“Hmm, there’s my dirtyTesoro. You are a slut for my fingers and cock.” His voice is like a cold bucket of water being thrown over me, and I am reminded of who he is. And that he ismarried.

“I swear to god Nico, you better stop this and get off me.”

Lifting his head, he stares down at me. “I already told you once before,Tesoro, I am your God. Your fucking religion. And you will pray to me. Bow to me. Even after a year of you being away, that statement still stands. You will submit. You will be everything I want and more. There is no other way for you. There is no life for you without me.”

My mouth drops open in shock. This asshole. Who the hell does he think he is? “You’re married!” I scream, getting right in his face.

He shakes his head, his mouth dropping to my ear. He still rubs at my clit as his free hand snakes up to wrap around my throat. It’s a power move, not just to hold me in place, but to let me know who is in control. Despite the clear anger rolling off him, his thumb circles the erratic pulse in my neck gently. I would like to think it’s an affectionate gesture, but I know Nico. He doesn’t do affection.

“No. I’m not. Yes, there was an arranged marriage in place last year, but after my papà died, I put a stop to it. I don’t want her. I want you. I will have you. You are mine. Nothing and no one will change that.” His voice is a dark whisper, and he circles my clit harder. My eyes widen. I want to say something.Anything. But I can’t while he is playing my body like this. I need a release and I will take every bit this bastard is offering me right now and address his confession when I am done.

Melting into the sand, I submit, letting the pleasure take over. My eyes roll shut, and I roll my hips into his touch, seeking the friction I so desperately need.

“That’s my girl.” Nico whispers, nibbling on my ear lobe. I want to cry at the satisfaction in his voice. The smugness. And the worst thing is, he has every right to be smug. I’ve played straight into the devil’s hands. He knows it. I know it. But right now, as he shoves a finger inside me, I can’t bring myself to care. I cry out at the intrusion, my back arching as I ride his hand. Fuck, this feels good. So good, I am going to…

“Now come all over my finger so I can take you inside. It’s been too long since my cock was inside this perfect pussy, and I won’t wait any longer,” he growls, snapping me from my thoughts.

Adding another finger, he curls them inside me, rubbing at a spot that has me seeing stars. His ministrations are just like him, slow, torturous, calculated. I don’t have anyone to compare Nico to, but the way he makes me feel… wanton, out of my mind, fireworks, surely it can’t be normal? My stomach tightens, legs tremble, and like a freight train my orgasm barrels through me.

“Oh, God,” I whimper, my hands raking through the sand trying to find purchase.

“So fucking beautiful when you come,” Nico murmurs, his lips pressing to mine as he finger fucks me through my climax. He kisses me through my orgasm, the move intimate and familiar. I want to push him away, but I don’t have the strength. Instead, I break the kiss, as I slump back in the sand. Not wanting to look at Nico or confront what just happened, I squeeze my eyes closed and try to process everything. All that he just confessed.

My eyes shoot open, landing on his arrogant face, and in that moment, I know three things.

Nico. Isn’t. Married.

He lied.

And I don’t know how to feel about it.



Ocean blinks up at me, her bright blue eyes shining with sated lust in the moonlight. Fuck, she is so beautiful when she comes undone. It makes my obsession with her grow further. Deeper. Stronger. Out of control. I’m free falling into her web and no matter how hard I try, I can’t stop it. My cock jerks, begging to sink itself into its home and I cannot wait another second to fuck her. Taking her to my bedroom will take five minutes at least, which is at this point unacceptable. I need her now.

Pulling my fingers from her tight cunt, she watches as I bring them to my mouth, sucking them inside. I lick her essence clean, something snapping inside me when her taste hits my tongue. I’m feral, unhinged with a need to stake my claim. Remind her exactly who she belongs to. Releasing her throat, I quickly unbuckle my belt.

“I need to fuck you now,” my voice is urgent, as is my need to release my cock and sink inside her. Pulling my pants down, followed by my boxer briefs, I watch as my hard length springs free, slapping against my white dress shirt. Ocean’s gaze drops to my thick cock, her eyes dilating with pure desire. I nearly come on the spot, the look of hunger on her face matching my own. For some reason, everything about this woman does it for me, but I’m not stupid enough to believe if she wasn’t so boneless from her orgasm, that she wouldn’t be fighting me right now, which is why my moves are hurried.

Gripping her panties, I rip them from her body in one swift move, revealing her bare pussy. I salivate at the sight. Wet. Swollen.Mine.Palming my shaft, I line myself up with her entrance and without another thought, I thrust inside her tight cunt. Gritting my teeth, I still. Christ, she is even tighter than I remember. Her pussy hugs my cock in a vise grip, fits me like a glove and it’s like she never wants me to leave. The feeling is mutual.Idon’t want to leave. If I could stay inside her forever, I would.

Ocean jolts, snapping out of her post orgasmic trance. She pushes at my chest, her eyes wild. “No, Nico. Wait,” she cries out, but nothing will stop me from getting what I want. “I’m not on birth control,” she adds, her words are a whimper as I bottom out inside of her.

Leaning down, I press my lips to hers, tugging at her full bottom lip and sucking it into my mouth. “I don’t fucking care. I will never accept anything between us. Not now. Not ever.”
