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Today I have given her what she wanted but was always too afraid to ask for, and I mean every single word of it.

Despite all that has happened today, the biggest grin I have ever seen lights up her stunning face. It’s beautiful, contagious, and I can’t help but get caught up in it.

“And I love you, Nico Marchetti. My husband. My world.”



Rocking my son gently in my arms, I stare absently as Nico’s family doctor cleans my face up with saline soaked gauze.

Nico was insistent that I had every part of my body x-rayed to make sure I had no broken bones or internal injuries. I thought it was overkill but there was no arguing with him about it, so I humored him and let the doctor check me over thoroughly like he was being paid to do.

Turns out there were no broken bones or internal trauma, but I am littered with bruises and very tender. The right side of my body, from where I was slammed to the ground, is the worst. But I now know they are the result of Nico protecting me, so I can’t even bring myself to be mad about the black and blue markings all down my body. My facial wounds on the other hand… the dark bruises may fade, and the split lip will heal, but they will forever be a reminder of what happened today. I knew the man I refuse to call father to be a monster, but today I saw an even worst part of him. One I hope to never see again. And if Nico keeps his promise of killing Samuel Caldwell, then after today I never will have to look at his ugly face ever again.

My thoughts briefly shift to my mother and how she will cope without her husband. A pang of guilt hits me that I am wishing death on the man who helped bring me into this world, but then I remember all he has done to me. The physical abuse he bestowed upon me, when I was just a young girl without the strength to fight back. He is a weak man, and he deserves everything that is coming to him, to die in the most heinous of ways. My mom will be okay. She always is. She is a chameleon, one that will fit and thrive in whatever environment she finds herself in. My mother, complicit and just as guilty as my father, does not deserve another second of thought or anything else from me and neither does my brother. As far as I’m concerned, they no longer exist.

My husband’s deep growl snaps me from my thoughts, bringing my gaze to him. He watches me through narrowed eyes with a look I can’t decipher. His cellphone is to his ear as he tries to call Dante for what feels like the hundredth time. He still hasn’t answered his calls and, though Nico won’t say it, I can tell he is worried about his best friend.

After Nico met me at the SUV, Christopher took us to the Marchetti building. The helipad on the top of the skyscraper was where Hansen was waiting for us with the chopper. We were back on the estate within the hour, and I have never been so happy to see my gilded cage as when it came into view. I never thought I would feel that way, but when I think back to the moment Nico first brought me here, how I was highly against staying here, I now see it was the best thing to happen to me. I was glad to be back but, more than anything, I wanted to hold Romeo in my arms, see with my own eyes that he was okay. Valentina had confirmed it on a phone call to Nico and by the confusion in her voice had no idea what was happening in the city or why we were coming back so soon. I have no doubt he will tell his mother and sister everything, but my guess is he is holding off until he has spoken with Dante. That doesn’t mean I don’t feel sick with guilt every time I look at them and see the concern and questions in their eyes.

“Right, all done. I will prescribe you some pain medication for the bruised ribs. Get rest and drink plenty of water. You will be fine, Ocean. You just need to take it easy for a couple of weeks.” The doctor pushes his glasses up his nose, a soft, sympathetic smile on his face. His gaze shifts to my husband who nods at him.

“Thank you, Doc. Mamma can you escort Emilio out?” Nico mutters.

Valentina stands, forcing a smile. “Of course.”

They leave the room and it’s only seconds before Allegra speaks. Her voice is small, worry evident in her tone. Even though it is clear she is trying to be strong, her lip wobbles as she chokes out three words.

“Where is Dante?”

Nico’s gaze shifts from me to his sister. He sighs, running a hand through his thick dark hair. “He is dealing with shit at the club. I will know more when I talk to him.”

A tear leaks down her cheek but she brushes it away. Clearing her throat, she pushes to her feet, her gaze turning pleading. “You are hiding something, Nico. I can see it in your eyes. Is he okay at least?”

My husband’s jaw clenches in frustration, and I can see how much this is all taking a toll on him, but he doesn’t shy away from her question.

“Honestly? I don’t have a fucking clue, Allegra. I have been trying to call him and Leo for over an hour now. I am sure they are fine, but I will feel much better once I have it confirmed.” He clears his throat, his gaze shifting to me. “Now that I know my wife is okay, I am going to head back to the city and see for myself what is going on. Until then, unless he finally calls me, I don’t know anything,” he admits.

A broken sob bursts from Allegra’s mouth and she collapses onto the couch. With my free hand I rub soothing circles on her back, trying to help in any way. “Please bring him back to me,” she chants over and over. To herself or Nico, I’m not sure. It’s a prayer. One I hope God answers, too. I see the way they look at each other, the love between them and if Dante is gone because of me...

I will never forgive myself.


I am watching Romeo sleep when I hear my bedroom door being pushed open. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Valentina and Allegra step inside, their small smiles unable to hide the worry and fear in their eyes.

“Is he asleep?” Valentina asks quietly.

I nod, turning to face them. “Yeah.”

“Would you like to join us for dinner? I made lasagna,” she says, her eyes darting to her daughter. “It’s Allegra’s favorite. I thought with everything going on…” she trails off, but the insinuation is clear.

“Have you heard from Nico?” I murmur, closing the distance between us.

“No.” It’s Allegra that answers, her voice strangled as tears spring to her eyes, and she visibly shakes with that one word.

Valentina takes her daughter in her arms, stroking her hand down her dark hair. “Now, now. Everything will be okay,” she soothes, but I witness the pain in her blue eyes. “Come on. Let’s go eat, while we wait for news,” she murmurs, dropping a kiss to Allegra’s forehead.
