Page 1 of Forbidden Fruit

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Three weeks earlier

Isuckinabreath as I pull into the parking spot outside of the apartment. The summer sun beats down relentlessly, sweat from packing up a quarter of my life as fresh as it was prior to the hour-long drive here. I grab a box and a small tote bag, and the contents threaten to overspill. I should have stopped packing them so full, but I was determined.Fuck. I immediately regret turning down my dad’s offer to hire someone to help as I lose the battle and everything tumbles to the ground. The amount of boxes I have to get into my new home for the next four years is overwhelming. I already know it’s going to take forever.Everything will be fine. I’ll settle in.

Heading towards the elevator, it’s eerily quiet as my footsteps echo on the marble floor. I startle as the elevator dings, thankfully stopping my nervous spiral. Sunlight steeps the fourth floor hallway painted with bright and decadent white walls. Ornate crystal chandeliers hang overhead with low-lit lights, creating a luxurious ambiance. A mixture of gold and black modern decor frames the common area and hallways in a clear nod to Bennington University’s school colors.

I stop at 402, my heart skipping a beat as I knock on the door. Here’s to a fresh start. Nobody answers. I wait thirty seconds, knock again and nobody answers that either, sending me into yet another anxious spiral. Old habits die hard, I guess. Fuck it. With a twist of the gold knob, the door creaks open with a slight groan.


Boxes lie scattered throughout the room, almost covering the living room wall from floor to ceiling. Two coffee mugs are already in the sink. The decor is very similar to the parts of the building I just walked through, albeit more cozy. Most importantly, the air here is easier to breathe now that I have miles between me and my parents–even if my dad is on campus half of the time. Don't get me wrong. I absolutely love my family. I would do anything for them, as evidenced by choosing Bennington University over every other school.

The open door next to the living room catches my eye. I cautiously make my way over, half expecting this to be an episode ofDatelinewith a murderer popping out. Equally jarring, I collide with a tall blond with perfectly tamed hair. I blow a frizzy curl out of my eyes. I envy her tan, that makes her look like she's been in the French Riviera all summer.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I figured you were busy unpacking." I ramble on as she wears an angry, impatient expression. She says nothing, just continues to glare at me through the longest lashes I've ever seen and scrutinizes me from head-to-toe.

"I'm Olivia. I'm supposed to be moving in today." Now I’m rambling in desperation to fill the awkward silence. As she rolls her eyes and walks away, my heart falls to the floor. I make my way over to the front door, ready to get in my car and drive home, mortified. I turn to retreat and she turns around, a huge smile dancing on her full, cherry-red lips.

"Gotcha! Don't worry. I'm not a raging bitch, and in the rare event that I am, I promise it's not intentional. I'm Mia." She’s warm and friendly. All traces of her previous persona vanish as I try to blink the tears of relief from my eyes.

"Aw, babe, why are you crying? I live for pranks. I meant nothing nefarious, I swear."

"I'm not usually like this. Ah, fuck. I don't want to lie. I'm anxious as fuck." Wiping away the tears on the back of my hands, I laugh-sob.Do I always have to be so fucking embarrassing?

"Wine or vodka?" Her question catches me off guard.

"Uhh… wine?"

"Matthew!" Mia calls for whoever the hell Matthew is so loudly that I'm pretty sure he must be two floors below. The All-American incarnation of Hercules suddenly appears, leaning against the door frame. Shirtless with sweat glistening, shaggy brown hair and blue eyes, he peers at me curiously. He's massive–fucking linebacker massive. My mouth goes dry and I'm pretty sure I forget my name.

"Matt, Olivia. Olivia, Matt."Glad Mia could clear that up. I really want to rip my eyes from his pectoral muscles, but I can't.

"Hi." My voice is quiet, a barely audible whisper.

"Eyes are up here, sweetheart." He gives a cocky grin, adding a wink that makes every inch of my body blush. Mia laughs so hard she snorts. Instantly, I know we're going to be good friends. That is, if she doesn't kill me for eye-fucking Hercules, who I assume is her boyfriend.

"Matt, when she's done ogling you, we need shots of Tito's.” He flexes with another wink. Mia rolls her eyes and shoves him away, then turns to me.

"Is he always that insufferable?"

"Yep, pretty fucking much." Her eyes go wide. "Wait, didn't you say wine? Fuck. Why didn't you say something?"

"I'm really the type to go with the flow. I'd rather drink what you prefer. Vodka's fine, anyway." I know I sound over-enthusiastic and fake as hell.

She points at me. "Babe, we're gonna have to work on that. You have people pleaser written all over you."

I gawk at her. "Do you major in reading people, or am I that obvious?"

"The latter." She squeezes her hand in mine as she leads me to the black loveseat, instantly setting me at ease. Matt appears with three shots. We all hold them up in salute.

"To the beginning of a beautiful friendship and countless years of debauchery." I can't help but think this girl might be the wild, kindred spirit I need to pull me out of my head and into the new era of freedom and fun I desperately need.

"Cheers," I say happily. For the first time in a while, I mean it. It’s especially true when Mia orders Matt to bring up all of my boxes and he obeys likePavlov’s Dog.

Chapter One
