Page 35 of Forbidden Fruit

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"My second year of teaching full time, a student propositioned me for sex, and I stupidly gave into a blowjob. She recorded it without my knowledge and sent the footage in when I wouldn't change her grade," DeLuca says, stricken, the shame obvious in his demeanor and tone.

"Is that why you're so hot and cold with me?" He pulls me close. “Yes, Olivia. It's painfully clear that I want you physically, and it's becoming increasingly obvious to me that I care for you. I want to lock you away from the world so you're safe and mine. Where callous words can't hurt you or blame you for something you didn't ask for, that you don't understand. I don't want you to get caught up in this. I don't want to ruin your career. Most of all, I don't want you to resent me for being the one who made you lose it all."

"Only I can be the one to decide whether it's worth it for me." He sighs. "I know that and I'm not trying to discredit your decision-making, but I want you to be sure."

I nod. "Thank you for telling me and trusting me to decide. Another question–how did you know Julian was my ex, anyway?"

"I stalked your social media."

"I stalked yours, too, but you're way more private than a nineteen-year-old college freshman."

He snorts. "At least you're self-aware. Since we're airing dirty laundry, do you want to tell me about Julian?"

"I guess I should, but I'd rather stick a fucking pitchfork through my tibia." I need another drink for this.

"Matthew, retrieve me another libation, please!" I yell across the living room. DeLuca turns to me, amusement on his features.

"Why didn't you ask me to get you a drink?"

"I don't know. Matt's usually wine bitch. Why? Does it bother you that I didn't ask you?"

He chews on his lip, brows furrowed for so long I start wondering how much he had to drink tonight.

He lifts his eyes to meet my expectant gaze. "Yeah, it bothers me, actually."

"You don't need to be such a brooding alpha all the time, you know," I jest.

"I don't think that's it, Olivia." His expression is earnest, a tender look in his rich, brown eyes.

“You’re the literal definition of one.”

The look he's giving me melts me. Wrapping my arms around his neck, promises, fear, and everything besides this moment forgotten, I silently plead for him to go on. The way he's looking at me, like I'm the greatest part of his day, like there's nowhere else he'd rather be, takes my breath away. It's almost cathartic to have DeLuca looking at me like I'm the only one in the room when Julian treated me as if I never was in it to begin with.

"Tell me," I say, my voice breathy, enraptured by him and the moment.

"I want to be the one you turn to for help when you need it. Whether it's bringing you a glass of wine after a hard day or cooking dinner so you can study. There's an infinite amount of things I want to do for you, Olivia, if you'd let me."

"Where the fuck did you even come from? Are you real?" I ask, stunned. I surely must be dreaming if I have this gorgeous man saying he's not only at my beck and call, but that he wants to be. Fuck if that's not sexy as hell. The fact that I'm considering taking him up on it makes me believe I don't deserve him.

"Welcome to dating men and not boys," he says with a low chuckle.

"Are you trying to get me out of my pants right now?" I half-heartedly groan.

"Hm. Do we have a horny wine drunk on our hands?" he taunts.

Before I can respond, Lex is shouting, "Just be happy it's not tequila!" She snorts, falling against Matt's side with another howl of laughter.

DeLuca's eyes widen in interest. "What happens when she drinks tequila?" he asks, staring straight into my soul, or lack thereof.

"Let's find out!" Mia yells as she runs to the bottom shelf in the kitchen. The pots and pans rattle in a loud fury until she finally reaches the bottle hidden in the back of the cabinet, setting it on the counter with a loud thud. Lex finds a lime, cutting it into careful wedges before getting the salt.

Tomas leaves my side to get my shot from the kitchen. When he returns, he gives me a wicked smile and whispers in the hollow of my neck.

"Kneel," he commands in a tone that dares me to challenge him.

I do as I'm told, dropping to my knees and holding his gaze. It’s obvious what’s on his mind from earlier this week. He holds the lime wedge to my lips.

"Lick." His eyes don't leave mine as my tongue takes a long lick of the lime.
