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“He didn’t do anything to me, Callum. We didn’t even ...”

“Sleep together?” he finishes for me.


“Good,” he says, protective, stern. “A guy like that doesn’t deserve you.”

“He’s your teammate.” I can’t help but sigh, a blend of frustration and misplaced affection in my voice. “God, Cal. You honestly make no sense sometimes.”

He glances away. “I just lost my head for a quick second. It’s only a one-game suspension.”

“No way.”

“It’s fine,” he says dismissively, but I can tell it’s not.

“You know, if we’re going to be friends ... you can’t just punch any guy I go out with from now on,” I say, a half-hearted attempt at humor. “Especially not the guys on your team.”

“You gonna make a habit out of dating guys on my team? Because that’s really gonna make me lose my shit, Lila.”

“You’re impossible. An absolute caveman.”

“Yeah, well, so are they. Definitely not suited for a girl like Lila Tate.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. “And who is?”

“Someone who appreciates you. Someone who can take one look at you and know exactly how good they have it.”

“Right.” I scoff, rubbing my temples in exasperation. “Well, if you find someone like that, then let me know.”

“Yeah.” He stares at me for a beat, clears his throat, and there’s a brief pause before he speaks again. “Er, do you want to hang out again this weekend? I’m going out with some guys on the team. Just barhopping for a bit.”


“Yeah, you should come. See what my life’s really like now. Or, if it’s too much, we could just chill at my place again.”

I consider his invitation, weighing the pros and cons. The thought of stepping into his world, seeing the life he’s built without me, is daunting. Yet, a larger part of me is curious, longing for a glimpse into the life oftheCallum Galloway.

“I’ll tag along. Baby steps, right?”

“Going to the bar with all my friends is ababy stepto you?”

“Well, it’s something new. Something we never really did before.”

He cocks a curious brow. “You know, there are alotof things we’ve never done before.”

My shoulders slump. “Callum, seriously? You just said?—”

“That’s not what I meant,” he rushes to assure me. “Just—we’ve never gone to a real college party together. We’ve never gone to a football game together. We’ve never studied on the grass on the quad during spring term. You know, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. I mean, we?—”

“I get it.” I hold up a hand, physically stopping him. “We’ve missed out on a lot of college experiences together. But there’s still time for all that, right?”

“Yeah, Li.” He gives me a solemn half-smile. “There’s still time.”

* * *

The world outside my window is a blur of snowflakes and the last dying embers of daylight, but I’m cocooned in warmth, a smile playing on my lips as my phone lights up yet again.

Callum’s name glows on the screen. His text is simple, just a few words confirming tonight’s plan, but it sends a ripple of excitement through me.
