Page 56 of Filthy Lawyer

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No Survivors in Late Night Condo Fire.

Midnight Blaze Claims Dozens of Lives

Landlord Left Grieving, Devastated

I pressed a hand against the ones to my left, the only ones that were printed with grey ink on black paper.

Sonny Caps Condos to be Rebuilt

Contractors & Engineers Point Fingers in Deadly Fire

Still No Answers on Ten-Year Anniversary of Blaze

“What are you doing in here?” Damien suddenly gripped my hips from behind.

“Taking a tour like you said.”

“This isn’t part of it.” He hit the lights. “Come out.”

I obliged, and he locked the door behind me.

Leading me back to the living room, he set out stacks of files on an oversized oval table.

“Damien?” I stepped in front of him. “All the stakeouts we’ve been doing at Sonny Caps Condos are for you and not a client?”

He continued organizing the stacks.

“Now that I think about it, I don’t recall ever seeing a single briefs for it.” I waited for him to look at me. “Why are you using resources to look into it every week?”

“Here’s a better question.” His eyes met mine. “Where did you go this weekend? Better yet, why are you so adamant about having certain weekends off and being completely unreachable?”

I said nothing.

“Okay, let’s try two softer questions then,” he said. “Why do your parents think you’re pursuing an acting career?”

“They’re my foster parents.”

“That’s irrelevant to the question, but why do they have no clue that you’ve graduated law school and have a job at my firm?”

“I can’t tell you that…”

“Exactly.” He twirled a few of my loose curls between his fingertips. “You can’t demand answers from me, when you’re not willing to share certain things about yourself.”

“It’s a habit,” I said. “I do it so no one will be able to use my worst flaws against me later. It’s a survival mechanism.”

“Everyone is surviving something, Elizabeth,” he said, cupping my face in his hands. “Pain isn’t unique to you. You can keep your secrets, and I won’t dare to pry, and you’ll have to let me keep mine.”

I nodded, feeling conflicted, yet aroused all at once.

“Did you really invite me over here for work?” I asked.

“Yes.” He pressed a kiss against my neck. “I just wasn’t planning to do that first…”



