Page 29 of King of Bad

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“Do you think he’ll show up?” Leslie whispers to me.

I lift my shoulders because I honestly don’t know. “Who knows what Maddox Barkley is thinking? I know people say there’s such a thing as rock star time, but I always thought that was just a silly expression. I didn’t think rock stars really showed up whenever they want.”

She giggles, and my father walks into the conference room we’re meeting in. This weekend will be the end of the first month of business for Luxe. He wanted to go over the figures to make sure we’re in the black and not leaking money anywhere.

I’m a little disappointed that he still hasn’t come to see the club, but then again, Chester Mavin isn’t known for frequenting clubs and social parties. Sure, he’ll keep things in his portfolio as long as it’s making money, but he’s got much bigger fish to fry than visiting every venture he backs. Even if his daughter is the one running it.

“Hi, Daddy.” I get up from my chair.

He walks over, embracing me in a hug, and gives me a kiss on the cheek. “Cece.”

“We can get started if you like,” I tell him, retaking my seat.

“What about your DJ? He’s showing up, isn’t he?”

I can’t help but let out a small chuckle. “Maddox Barkley is more than just a DJ,” I tell him, flipping open my leather folder in front of me. My finger runs down the list I printed to go over with my father, as I say, “He’s incredibly talented, and his name recognition alone brings eyes to Luxe. I didn’t expect stars like Adam Coleman, or his band, to frequent as much as they have. That’s an added bonus. But, he’s a rock star. We called his management firm to make sure they reminded him, but I don’t know if he’s going to be able to make it.”

“I’ll always make time for the boss.” Maddox’s words force my eyes to snap up, meeting him in the doorway. “Especially when she thinks so highly of me.”

He unleashes the smirk, then takes a seat on the other side of the table. Glancing over at Tina and Leslie, they both grin, staring at him. “Maddox, I … Thank you for showing up.”

He nods, and I look over at my father. “Daddy, this is Maddox Barkley. He’s the drummer for Kings of Karmichael.”

My father looks unimpressed, and I’m sure it has everything to do with how Maddox is dressed. Dark gray skinny jeans that are ripped at the knees and thighs, one of his pockets poking out from the rips. He’s in a plain, navy blue tank top that reveals wide-set shoulders. Along with the band’s logo tattoo—a guitar with wings, and a crown on top—his shoulders and biceps have other tattoos decorated over them. And of course, he’s wearing his sunglasses indoors, along with a black baseball hat. He looks like he’s going to an afternoon barbecue, not a meeting with his employers.

Daddy’s eyes flash back to me, and I can almost hear the words he’s thinking: Seriously, Cecelia? This is your DJ? I lift my shoulders, offering him a small smile, then slide a packet of paper over to Maddox. He quirks an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything, opening the folder.

“Shall we get started?” I ask everyone.

They all flip open their packets, and I begin to go over what we’ve grossed since the doors have opened. I also discuss how we’ve increased our social media platforms five times over, and we’ve trended in the United States on multiple sites. Then Leslie explains how the Kings have inadvertently increased our reach since Maddox’s bandmates have visited numerous times. Maddox gets this smug expression on his face, and I roll my eyes at him.

All in all, I cover everything I’m supposed to, proving to my father that this business is profitable and sustainable.

“Miami and New York are incredibly difficult markets to break through, Cecelia,” my father replies. “How can you know you’ll have the same results in those markets? You won’t have your rock star to help with that.”

A small scowl forms over my face. He’s discounting all of my hard work, implying this is all Maddox’s doing. I glance over at Maddox, who I’m expecting to beam with pride, figuring that he’s the reason behind the success of Luxe. To my surprise, he offers my dad a confused expression.

“Well, no, we won’t have Maddox,” I explain. “But I’ve already been in talks with Diamond Dalia, a DJ with a huge following, and she’s definitely interested in the first residency in Miami. And The Lockhearts are a tremendous duo who’ve had four top ten Billboard hits in the last year alone. They’ve reached out to me and want to talk about possibly being the first stars to play if and when we open in New York.”

“So, what happens when you’re out of stars to carry the load for you?” my father retorts.

“Daddy, I don’t think you understand what I’m doing here. Luxe is a place for stars. It’s not your average dance club. And because of that, stars want other stars. It’s cyclical. We can’t have one without the other.”

“If I may,” Maddox speaks up, causing my father to look over. “I don’t know what half of these numbers mean.”

Oh no. Him talking cannot end well. “Um, please, Maddox. It’s okay.”

“No, what I’m saying is, your daughter has created an amazing place, Mr. Mavin.” His commendation honestly catches me off guard. “You might look at it like it’s a place driven by star power, but it’s not. I have friends who’ve come here because we’re not stalked and hounded for autographs and selfies. That’s a draw no matter where you are in my line of work. Cece’s created something that has a demand. And celebrities are willing to splurge their money all night for the chance to be able to enjoy themselves without the baggage of a typical night out.”

I glance over at Tina, then Leslie. They both stare back at me, unsure what they just heard. I’m not sure, either. Maddox came off as sincere, cordial, and even if he doesn’t have a business mind, he knows what sells and is giving me his endorsement. He gives me the slightest of nods, and I smile back.

“Very well,” my father says, getting up from the table. He buttons up his Burberry charcoal suit, and I get to my feet, unsure what he’s about to say or do. Leaning over, he places a kiss on my cheek. “Nice work, darling. I never had any doubts. We’ll meet back up next month, and if everything stays steady, we’ll begin planning on Miami first.”

“Great,” I exclaim.
