Page 12 of Cold-Hearted King

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“Well, Red, the answer is yes. Most women appreciate a true compliment, which is what I gave you.” Red. The nickname suited her. Perhaps too much.

She raked her hand through her long copper strands as if to prove my point, her cute little nose flaring while her lips pursed. Goddamn, they were rosy red, kissable, and it took everything I had not to reach across the bar, grabbing her by the back of the neck and deep throating her with my tongue.

That would come in time.

When she begged me for it.

I was such an arrogant ass, but I couldn’t help myself. That’s how I’d been brought up.

“O-kay. Thank you for the compliment, so don’t take this the wrong way, okay, slick?”

“Sure, Red. Bring it.”

“Well,” she purred as she leaned just a little closer, dragging the tip of her tongue across her bottom lip. “Thank you for the compliment but I wouldn’t ever, and I do mean ever, consider going to bed with a man who wears one-thousand-dollar boots just to impress the local kinfolk. So, here’s my advice. Go back to your Mercedes or Ferrari and head on off to your mansion. Maybe one of your female staff—you know, the ones you require to wear French maid uniforms—can service you for the evening.”

At least one of the remaining cowboys heard her words, snorting in appreciation.

“I’d watch out for that one, buddy,” he offered. “She does bite and you won’t have a good time.”

His statement allowed her to smile, and she blew across my face before leaning back, winking in a way that had my balls tightening. The girl was indeed a challenge.

One I planned on taming.

“I can tell you’re aroused,” I growled, narrowing my eyes as I darted my own version of an explosive gaze to her rock-hard nipples poking through her shirt.

“You must be learning impaired,” she said oh-so sweetly. But she couldn’t help but to yank her shirt away from her chest. “Not on your life, slick.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” I told the guy, easing back in my chair to wait until the last customer had left. “However, I do tend to enjoy a little pain with my passion.”

She gave me another look, blowing me a kiss before walking away.

Yes, indeed. I planned on taming the woman right before bringing her to my bed.

And I couldn’t wait for her to scream out my name from ecstasy.



Jesus Christ.

I’d met some arrogant bastards in my life, rich and slick boys who thought that they could win me over by plying me with compliments and gifts, but this guy took the cake complete with thick buttercream icing. I was ready to slap the man across the face, but I wasn’t entirely certain he wouldn’t whine and whimper, calling the local sheriff to arrest me for assault.

That was the last thing I needed, especially after the horrible day I’d had.

I’d tried to find other housing, something I could afford, but there wasn’t anything in this town that could work. I was stuck, and with having my baby, there was no way I was going to live out of my car. I’d been there, done that twice before with horrible results.

I tried to ignore him but the fact my body couldn’t do that left me angry and bitter. More so than normal. My nipples were indeed hard, my entire body tight as if walking a wire, the crackle of electricity by being within a few inches of him unnerving as hell. Plus, my pussy was throbbing. That wasn’t like me, and the guy certainly wasn’t my type.

Okay, so he was drop dead gorgeous, like a guy who’d just stepped off a runway. Not the kind where you couldn’t tell if they were male or female, but the kind who looked just as good in tight jeans and a tee shirt as he did in a ten-thousand-dollar suit. Granted, the city slicker certainly had that look about him, a little fussy around the edges. And the boots were ridiculous, but he didn’t have the signature manicure, which was an absolute turnoff, so I had to give him a little credit.

What the far too white tee shirt that appeared to be pressed did manage to do was accentuate his muscular physique. And boy-oh-boy, the man was built like a brick shithouse. An expression I’d heard Walter say more than once. I’d been forced to ask him what it meant. He’d laughed and told me it was a way of saying the person was perfectly chiseled. Slick was that and then some.

Oh, I was going to burn in hell for the lurid thoughts racing through my mind. I certainly wasn’t a one-night stand kind of girl. Nope. Not me.

Also, my bestie had goaded me for weeks that I needed to get laid. Yep. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d experienced the touch of a man. My vibrator collection was good, but after a while plastic was just that. Plastic. My version of a blow-up doll. How ridiculous.

I did my best to ignore him, starting my usual cleaning process, glad when my last two regulars finally left. Unfortunately, City Slicker remained, sitting right where he’d been. His legs were open, his expression just as delectable as before. He even had two-day stubble on his chiseled jaw, which was something I adored.
