Page 40 of Crossing the Line

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Violet would lose her mind if she saw him. After hearing him talk, he’s not her type at all, but based on physical looks alone, she’d lose it.

I realize I’m staring at him, so I laugh a little and try to hide my embarrassment. “Thanks. I’ll let you know if I change my mind.”

He goes to take a sip of his drink but pauses with the cup raised to his lips. “You better.”

I’m not sure if it’s him or my drink, but my cheeks start to warm.

I may be in trouble.



Claire is more than buzzed.

I’ve been talking to Lauren for most of the night, but every once in a while, I catch Claire out of the corner of my eye. In my experience, girls who drink too much usually get loud or overly emotional—or both, but Claire isn’t either of those things as she takes another sip of her third sangria. When Claire drinks, she’ I’m not sure how else to describe it. She laughs more, says what’s on her mind, and ultimately, blossoms into the Claire she’s been hiding all along.

“Ah! There you are!” Lauren yells out excitedly to someone behind me. She’s on the verge of being loud and annoying, but she’s still pretty cool. Glancing over my shoulder, I see a girl with dark curly hair, a couple of guys, and another girl with short blonde hair.

“Hey!” The girl with dark hair calls back to her before turning to her group of friends. “You guys! This is my new roommate I was telling you about!”

The group of friends plaster on some of the fakest smiles I’ve ever seen and all mutter things like, “Oh, my god. So crazy,” and “Wow, so nice to meet you,” while Lauren gets to her feet to join them.

It’s amazing how alcohol can make two girls who don’t like each other feel like they’re best friends. Lauren doesn’t rush to introduce me, and I’m more than okay with that. I welcome the break and head to the bar for another beer.

The sun steadily dips lower beyond the horizon, casting a deep orange glow over everything in sight. We used to come here all the time when I still lived here. It’s weird being back. When you leave a place, you don’t really think about how everything stays in motion while you’re gone. I feel like a different person now. Last time I was here, I was happy, in love, and excited about the future.

What a fucking joke.

As the bartender fills my glass, someone bumps against my elbow. Claire’s already tanned cheeks are rosy as she looks up at me and grins. “We have to stop meeting like this.”

A short laugh escapes me. “Maybe it’s a sign that you should stop hitting the bars so hard.”

Her mouth pulls into a tight-lipped smile. “And miss all the fun?” After a moment, she adds, “Hey,” and places her hand on my arm. “Your friends are fun. Why don’t you have fun like them?”

I can’t help glancing down at her hand on me, liking how it feels.

She follows my gaze, and quickly pulls her hand back, making me wish I would have ignored it.

Turning to face her, I take a sip of my fresh beer. “Trust me, I’m plenty fun.”

She squints like she’s scrutinizing me. “Are you, Aiden? Are you?”

Leaning my elbows on the bar, I look down and shake my head before looking over at her. “Claire Ackerman, you have no fucking idea.”

Our eyes lock, and for a moment, I think she’ll accuse me of breaking her rule. Finally, she swallows whatever she was about to say next and fidgets with the straw in her cup.

But she doesn’t call me out.

Which only makes me want to break her rule more.

“Where’s your buddy Chad?” I ask as I scan the crowd of people around us.

She bounces back at the sound of his name, and I both hate and love that for her. As much as I wish things were different with Claire, they’re not. I have no interest in being what gets her over her ex, and she’s only looking for a distraction. She doesn’t want me to be the one to distract her anyway.

She wants Chad.

“I think he went to the bathroom.” Glancing over her shoulder, she doesn’t look so sure about that.
