Page 59 of Crossing the Line

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Em tilts her head at me when I sit down. “Where’s Claire?”

“She’ll be here.” Actually, I’m not so sure about that. It depends on how pissed she is.

“Does she miss me?” Chad asks, thinking he’s funny.


Ethan and Em exchange a quick glance that says a whole lot more than the nothing that’s coming out of their mouths.

“What?” I ask as I glance down at the menu.

When no one says anything right away, I look back up to find them all staring at me like I’m a puppy that’s about to get kicked.

“What?” I demand.

“So, don’t freak out,” Em says cautiously, “but Sam is here.”

Her words nearly knock the air out of my lungs, but I don’t dare show it. Instead, I look back down at the menu.

Em slowly continues, and I know she’s treading carefully. “She came over to our table and said hi before you got here. I told her you were in town and she seemed really interested in talking to you.” In a small voice, she adds. “We didn’t know she’d be here.”

“It’s fine,” I say, and I mean it. I know they’re all still friends with her. They have no reason not to be. It’s fine that she’s here. My rapid heart rate might suggest otherwise, but I have no issues with Sam. It’s been over a fucking year.

Regardless of any of this, I catch myself straining to hear her voice. We’re outside on the patio of The Patch, so there’s a lot of background noise and overlapping voices, but a few times I wonder if I hear her laugh.

The thing that really throws me off is that she wants to talk to me.

“No, but really. Does Claire miss me?” Chad grins at me like he’s already had enough endless mimosas to make him annoying.

Well, more annoying.

I glare at him, and Em puts a gentle hand on his arm. “I think you’re going to have to let this one go.”

“No way! Have you seen her?”

Neither of us says anything, but Em and I exchange a glance, and it seems to miraculously be enough for Chad to put the pieces together.

Glancing back and forth between us, he says, “Wait. Seriously?” After a few more glances, Chad’s wide eyes lock on me. “No way!” He’s looking at me like he just found out I’m secretly a millionaire. “Aiden, you filthy dog!” He goes in for a high five, but I just stare at his hand for a moment before looking back down at the menu.

“I need a drink.”

Em gives me a look of pity that I pretend not to see. Luckily, the server notices another person at the table and comes over to see if I’d like anything.

Yes, I fucking would.



It’s been more than thirty minutes, so I texted Aiden to see if they’re still there, but he hasn’t answered me yet. I don’t know why he assumed I’d be there in thirty minutes. It’s at least a fifteen minute walk from the Airbnb and I still had to shower and get ready. I’m wearing the denim shorts and white cotton shirt that I bought to wear over my bathing suit on my first day.

I can’t help wondering what Aiden’s friends must think of me after the Chad fiasco. They probably think I’ll make out with anyone—especially if Aiden’s filled them in on our kiss.

I bite my lip just thinking about it.

What it felt like to have his mouth all over me plays on repeat in the back of my mind. It’s gotten to the point where even when I’m not thinking about it, I’m still thinking about it—like white noise in the background that keeps getting persistently louder.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket, letting me know Aiden has finally texted me back.
