Page 38 of Covered in Coal

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“Colton, Drew Varney is dangerous. I don’t know what to do in this situation, but he needs eliminated from Dalton Trucking and our lives for good.”

“Dangerous? What the hell do you mean? I thought you didn’t know him?”

Shit. How to cover my tracks after that epic screw up? I bite down on my lip and think for a second, but before I can say anything, Colton speaks up again.

“Baby, you’re hidin’ something. You’re bitin’ that damn lip, which is a tell-tale sign that you’re nervous. Just what exactly is it? And don’t lie to me, because I always figure you out.”

“I’ve researched him. Your dad said I need to know who my competitors are, so I looked into him. He’s not the perfect frat boy he’s put off to be.” I don’t lie, but I don’t tell the full truth either.

Colton stares at me with questioning eyes for a beat. “Like what, how dangerous?”

“Look at his track record as CEO, Colton. Look at the MSHA violations, the safety issues, and injuries his miners have sustained. It’s all in black and white. Public Record, all ya gotta do is Google him,” I reply, shrugging.

“I’ve been here since four a.m.. Nightshift was shit, and I’m done with this day. I’m gonna take off. I’ll talk to Dad when he gets in tonight and see what else is goin’ on.”

“Wait, what happened with nightshift?”

“Nothin’ happened; I’m just tired from bein’ here half the damn night and all damn mornin’.”

He stands tall before me and tucks my hair behind my ear. Trailing his fingers softly down my cheek, he looks longingly into my eyes before giving me his signature wink and smirk.

“Call me if ya need anything, darlin’,” he whispers, kissing my forehead.

My breath hitches at his close contact and the very essence of his scent. Inhaling deeply, I try to breathe him in before his scent is lost in the air. Colton turns on his feet and stomps heavily out of my office.

Chapter 25


After shredding apart every filing cabinet in my office, I still can’t locate the Simon Energy/Dalton Trucking Contract. The walls of my office are slowly closing in on me, trapping me in a slow, asphyxiating death. Before my mind cracks further, I grab my things and take off for the day. I leave strict instructions with Shelly that I’m to be called the moment the contract is found, and nobody is to enter my office under any circumstances. I’m leaving files scattered about in a mess, and I don’t need any more sticky fingers misplacing important documents.

It’s just after three o’clock when I leave, and since the day has been so hectic, I decide to swing by The Village Diner to pick up a quick dinner. From there, I plan to go home, strip these filthy soot-covered clothes from my body, and climb into a hot bubble bath, where my Kindle and my latest book boyfriend will be waiting for me.

Pulling into the diner, I hurry inside to place my order. I take a seat at the bar and wait for the grill master to throw together my greasy bacon cheeseburger and salty fries. Oh, don’t forget that slice of peanut butter fudge cheesecake, ’cause we know I ain’t coming to The Village Diner without indulging in a slice of that pure sin. Besides, I’ve had a long day, and they remove the calories in all the food here at the diner.

I’m listening to the soft song filtering through the sound system when I feel a steel hand lay upon my shoulder. Startled by the electrifying pulse that surges through me, I jump at the contact. Whipping my head to my right, I see Luke with that melt-my-panties-right-off-my-ass smile of his. Obviously peanut butter fudge cheesecake ain’t the only pure sin in The Village Diner today.

“What’cha so jumpy for, doll face?”

“Didn’t expect to see you here. I didn’t see your bike in the lot.”

“So you were lookin’ for my bike, huh?”

I roll my eyes, huff at him loudly, and say, “Honey, don’t you wish.”

“Hell yeah I do,” Luke says, moving closer to me. I can feel his heat from my toes to the top of my head. I feel like I’m literally burning from the bottom up.

“Awfully cocky now, ain’t ya?” Luke chuckles softly at my comment, but his stature never falters. He stands with confidence, inching in closer and closer by the second. “Not cocky, beauts, just confident,” he replies, then sits on the barstool next to me.

“Do you just randomly hang out here?” I ask.

“Sometimes. Do you just randomly skip work to come get peanut butter fudge cheesecake?”

I roll my eyes yet again. Damn, everything is getting under my skin today. I may need to barricade myself in my house and let no one in until I calm my tattered nerves. Ya know, take no hostages. If that’s the case, I’m sure as hell gonna need more than just a slice of pie. Can I get a whole pie to go please?

I take a deep breath before turning to Luke and looking into his blue eyes. “Two things. I’m the frickin’ CEO. I’ll leave that shithole any damn time I please. Hell, I’m ’bout to run and never look back. And two, I’ll run to the damn ends of the earth for some peanut butter fudge cheesecake, and you can believe that, honey.”

I motion for Mitzi to refill my tea and ask her how much longer the to-go order will be. Luke huffs, pulling my attention back to him. He looks down at me, his face void of emotion. Over the last month or so, we have become closer friends, learning more about each other. But with each interaction, Luke gets closer—friendlier. He must sense that I’m fraying at the edges. I can tell he’s deciding on whether to proceed with caution or bolt. Luke grabs the base of the barstool I’m sitting on with one strong hand and pulls me toward him.
