Page 43 of Covered in Coal

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My heart flutters, stops, and then jolts back to life, pacing quickly at the mention of such a small word. It feels surreal that this is happening. I’m finally unlocking the steel enforced cage and allowing Colton Weston access to my heart. I think I’ve stopped breathing, and all I can hear is the pounding of my heart. Colton squeezes my thigh with a wink while listening to Kylee Jo go on and on about us taking her to school together. Releasing that pent-up breath that caught in my chest behind fear and anxiety, I enjoy this sweet girl’s laughter and bubbly nature.

After we’ve all filled our bellies, I help Kylee Jo gather her backpack and lunchbox before we set off to start our day. I thank Emily for breakfast and offer to help her clean up, but she shoos me from the kitchen, sending me on my way. Bill stops me in the doorway. “You’ll be in the office all day?” he asks.

“I plan to be. Is everything okay?”

“No, but there ain’t a damned thing I can do about it. I’ll stop by later.” He nods, then disappears through the hall. I slide on my shoes and meet Kylee Jo and Colton in the truck. We drop the chatter-box off at school, then head into work.

“I think your Dad’s planning to stop by the mines later. Not sure why he didn’t talk to me back at the house.” Colton looks over at me, scratching his scruffy day old beard, and shakes his head.

“Pops don’t like to make Momma worry any more than she already does.”

“He looks rough, Colton. I’m worried about him. I don’t know what Drew’s plans are, but I don’t trust him.”

“Don’t sweat it, baby. Y’all gonna figure it out.”

When we get to the mines, we kiss goodbye and go our separate ways. As I’m passing by Shelly’s desk, she is a frantic mess. Her cheeks are red, and she’s trembling.

“Ms. Simon, I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all morning. There is a Mr. Varney here to see you. He’s been requesting that I call you every fifteen minutes to see when you would be in. I told him that unless he had an appointment you wouldn’t see him, but he forced the issue and refused to leave until he sees you. I’m sorry. I didn’t know what else to do.”

“Mr. Varney?”

“Yes, ma’am. Mr. Drew Varney; he said he’s with Dalton Trucking.”

“Where is he now, Shelly?”

“He’s waiting in the conference room.”

I take in a deep breath and bite my lip. Turning on my heels, I stalk toward the conference room. I stop by the door, straighten my clothes, and push the door open.

Drew is sitting at the head of the damn conference table with a file in one hand, and his cell phone glued to his ear. This son of a bitch has some nerve coming into my office and making himself comfortable like he owns the damn place. He turns around slowly, and when our eyes meet, I gasp at the striking resemblance he bares to my daddy. Drew has coal black hair, a strong jaw, and deep green eyes. He looks tall and is very fit.

“Yeah, I got that, J; let me holler back at’cha. Yeah, she just walked into the room,” he says before pressing end and sliding the phone in the breast pocket of his suit jacket. He arches his back then stands tall, walking around the table to greet me.

“Ms. Simon, Drew Varney,” he says, reaching his large hand out to greet me. Like hell. I cross my arms over my chest and ignore his gesture. He pushes his hand into his pocket and lightly chuckles to himself. “I’m the owner of Dalton Truck,” I cut off his words before he can even try to step knee-deep in the shit he’s standing in front of.

“I know who you are, Mr. Varney. And correction, you’re the business partner of Bill Weston, who’s the owner of Dalton Trucking. Now, care to explain to me why the hell you feel the need to bust into my office, patronizing my receptionist, and requesting an abrupt meeting with me? I’m a very busy woman. You have two minutes to state your reason for visiting with Simon Energy today, then you need to get the hell out of my office.”

Drew chuckles, then takes his seat again at the head of my damn conference table. That in itself flames my blood. This asshole hasn’t been in my presence for more than a minute, and I’m already plotting his tragic demise.

“So you want to cut the shit. Great. I’m here to inform you that as of midnight, Dalton Trucking will cease all operations with Simon Energy.”

He leans back in the high back leather chair and laces his hands behind his head, glaring a deadpan stare straight through me. He thinks he has the upper hand here, and that’s all fine and well. He thinks because he is a big man, that I will wilt, falling to his feet like a dainty little flower, begging and pleading. This jackass is wrong. I don’t wilt. I fight.

“Well, Mr. Varney, I’m so sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, we have a binding contract with Dalton Trucking, so any breech of said contract can and will result in some very nasty litigation. So you may want to ask yourself, do you really wanna start off on the wrong foot with your new business partner, costing him thousands of dollars?”

“Please, call me Drew. Bill and I are still working on the terms, but we are willing to buy out your contract to prevent any legal issues.

“You see, I am the owner of American Heritage Coal Company. We are a slightly smaller mines than Simon Energy, but we are paving our way to the top, and will be the largest coal producing company in the state of Kentucky within the next five years. It only makes sense that Dalton Trucking signs a contract with my coal company now, considering I own a portion of the trucking company. I’m sure you can understand the business side of things. I just need you to tell me your number, and I can cut you a check right now. There is no need to drag things out. You need to understand, I’m a very powerful man. I take what I want, so don’t fight me on this. It will only make any future business we may have together, well … awkward.” Drew rocks back and forth in the leather chair, waiting for my rebuttal. He is such a cocky bastard, and just looking at him sends shocking volts of pure hatred straight through to my blood.

“You think you’re so clever walking in here trying to intimidate me don’t you? Well, you don’t. You need to understand who you are dealing with, Mr. Varney. I’m a damn Simon. I don’t play games. I don’t put up with bullshit, and I certainly don’t take kindly to idle threats. Now, here is my counteroffer for you. Name your number. I’ll buy out your partnership with Dalton Trucking right now.” Rage boils deep in the pit of my stomach, and I can’t shake the urge to bust him across the damn face. There is a knock at the door, so I take two steps backward and open it, shocked to see Shelly with a pissed Bill Weston on her heels.

“Ms. Simon, again, I’m sorry. He said he was late for the meeting. Your schedule was clear for the morning,” Shelly says, shrugging.

“It’s okay, Shelly. Just hold any calls for now.” She nods and steps aside so Bill can enter the conference room. As soon as his eyes land on Drew, his face turns purple with anger. He charges across the room, screaming and cussing loud enough for everyone in the damn building to hear him. As soon as he’s within reach of Drew, he connects a right hook across his jaw. Drew’s head pops to the side, then springs back quickly. His eyes grow dark, full of fury. He swipes the drop of blood from his lip and sneers up at Bill.

“You son of a bitch! I told you when I left the office yesterday that I would not breech contract with Simon Energy. Why the hell are you here, Drew?”

I approach with caution, reaching my hand up to rest on Bill’s shoulder. He jerks around quickly, and his shoulders relax when he sees that it’s me. “Carly, I’m sorry. I didn’t have any idea he had plans of coming to see you. He’s a lyin’ snake that you can’t trust.”
