Page 55 of Covered in Coal

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“Thanks. You can take as much time off as you need.”

“Don’t worry ‘bout me, I’ll be back after shut down’s over.”

“Sounds good.”

“Talked to Luke.” I smirk.

Her eyes flicker up, meetin’ mine as her face pales. “Colton, you and I aren’t together. It’s none of your damn business what happens with Luke and me.”

“Ya know, baby, it’s funny you say that, ‘cause Luke told me that he knows he ain’t the man for you, and that I should fight for you regardless of how hard you keep pushin’ me away. So don’t be tryin’ to make me jealous of Luke. I know there’s nothin’ there.” I chuckle. “Now, are you still plannin’ on spendin’ Christmas with Kylee Jo and me?”

“I’ll come by on Christmas Eve and see Kylee Jo for a little while before heading to Savannah’s. Is that okay?”

“Whatever you wanna do, sweetheart. I ain’t pushin’ no more, Carly Jo. I’ve spent these last four months tryin’ to make you see how much I love you and that you can trust me. I know I screwed up with Eric, but that ain’t got a damn thing to do with us. But push me away. I ain’t goin’ anywhere. I’ll still be here, whether it takes you a week, month or a damn year. Just like I’ve waited the last seven damn years, I’ll still be waitin’ for ya.” I press my body up from the chair, lay her keys on the desk and turn to leave. I can’t look at her or I’ll lose my strength.

“Colton, I’m sorry.” I hear her whisper, but I don’t even acknowledge her apology with a look, I simply walk away.

Chapter 35


Over the last five weeks, I’ve tried picking up the pieces of my shattered heart, but I don’t even know where to begin.

I spent Christmas Eve with Colton and Kylee Jo, but the tension between us was undeniable. Every time he tried to offer me even the simplest touch, I pulled away. I could see the hurt in his eyes. We’ve pulled each other through the trenches of hell, and yet here we are like two love struck fools refusing to let go.

After Kylee Jo opened her presents that I had put under their tree, I got ready to leave. As I was walking out the door, Colton stopped me and slid a small wrapped present in my hand. He asked me not to open it until Christmas night. I promised him I wouldn’t, then left.

From Colton’s, I went to Savannah’s to spend the rest of Christmas with her and the kids. Braden, Brailee, Savannah and I all baked cookies for Santa before reading ’Twas the Night Before Christmas.

We tucked them into bed, then hurried down the stairs. First, we had to move that silly little elf. Savannah placed him by the fireplace with a skewer topped off with a marshmallow in his hand. She is so over the top. After laughing at her antics, she explained the story line behind this little guy, Dexter, they call him. It’s a cute, fun-filled way to keep the spirit of Santa alive.

Next, we started assembling the Barbie Dream House and tool shop Santa would be leaving under the tree for the twins. Josh came straggling in after midnight, drunk off his ass. I could smell the stench of alcohol as soon as he walked through the front door.

Damn dick.

He stumbled into the living room, cussing about the wrapping paper that was scattered all about the living room floor. Then, grabbing a beer from the fridge, he stalked off to his man cave and slammed the door behind him.

I asked Savannah if things were okay between the two of them, but she plastered her perfect little smile on her gorgeous face and acted as if everything was okay. I could tell that she was hurting, but she refused to let him ruin such a wonderful holiday for her kids. There wasn’t much I could offer her. We both hurt the same way, and rather than dealing with our issues, we always bottle them up tightly, until the bottle is full and the cap bursts off. I wonder how long before her cap will burst, setting her emotions free. If she’s anything like me, it could be any day now.

After I got home from Savannah’s on Christmas, I piled up on the couch with some hot chocolate and a stack of old movies. Halfway through The Christmas Story, I remembered the gift Colton gave me when I left. I pulled it from my purse and contemplated opening it.

Maybe I shouldn’t have accepted it. I removed the card, then peeled the paper back, revealing a hot pink jewelry box. I lifted the lid and revealed a gorgeous white gold infinity loop necklace lined with small glistening diamonds. I rubbed my fingers across the cold metal, admiring its beauty before putting the necklace on. I opened the card and lost my breath at the message inside.

~Carly Jo,

When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, no one can ever tear them apart. You are my infinity, my always, my forever.

Merry Christmas,


It was the most heart-felt present I’ve ever received; I just wish he would have asked me to open it when I was with him.

The rest of the holiday was pretty quiet. The mines was shut down from running coal for the week, so I laid on the couch watching old movies, sulking in my agony. I wanted to go to Colton and thank him for the necklace, but the shame I carry for betraying him rips at me. I don’t deserve him, but I don’t know how to let him go.

Since the mines opened back up, I haven’t had a moment to think. MSHA has visited all five of the mines and slammed us hard with violations. Everything from torn curtains to exposed wiring, everyday shit that should be handled, but obviously hasn’t been.

Then, the big D9 bull dozer at the Black Ridge mines was sabotaged. The equipment was operating just fine, and then when the nightshift crew came on duty, it wouldn’t start. After the mechanic broke the bull dozer down, he found that sugar had been poured into the gas tank. So there went nine hundred thousand dollars into new equipment. I nearly stopped breathing as I signed my name to that damn check.
