Page 10 of Royal Compromise

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Aria, with a dusting of flour on her apron, looks up from behind the counter. Her eyes light up with surprise and genuine warmth. “Cade? What brings you here today?”

I offer a half-smile, trying to shake off the lingering tension from the rehearsal. “Just wanted to come back and try something this time. Heard your bakery has become a local gem.”

Her smile widens, a mix of pride and gratitude. “Locals love their pastries. Anything specific you’re in the mood for?”

I glance at the display of delectable treats, each one a testament to Aria’s culinary expertise. “Surprise me. Something you’d recommend to a new customer.”

As Aria prepares a selection of pastries, we fall into an easy conversation, the past momentarily forgotten. She shares stories of how the bakery has evolved, the challenges she faced, and the joy of creating sweet moments for the people of Sweet Haven. I listen intently, genuinely interested in the world she has built for herself.

Our banter flows seamlessly, reminiscent of the camaraderie we once shared. The weight of unspoken history dissipates, replaced by the shared laughter and connection that defined our friendship in simpler times. It’s a comforting illusion, a temporary escape from the complexities that await outside the walls of Aria’s store.

In the midst of our conversation, the door chimes, signaling the entrance of a customer. A man with a confident stride walks in, holding a bouquet of vibrant flowers. My eyes narrow as he approaches the counter, and I recognize Ethan—a familiar face from Sweet Haven’s social circles.

“Hey, Aria,” Ethan greets, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. “I thought these might brighten your day.”

Aria’s surprise is evident, and I can’t help but feel a twinge of discomfort. She accepts the flowers with a gracious smile, her cheeks coloring slightly as she responds, “Ethan, you didn’t have to. Thank you.”

I observe their interaction from a distance, my expression carefully neutral. The genuine warmth in Ethan’s gesture contrasts sharply with the subtle tension that permeates the air. Aria, caught off guard, seems genuinely appreciative, and a pang of realization hits me—Ethan has been courting her.

Unable to bear the scene unfolding before me, I decide to take my pastry and retreat to a faraway booth, my mind wrestling with a mix of emotions. The delicate balance we maintained during the wedding rehearsal seems to have been disrupted by the intrusion of Ethan and his romantic gesture.

As I sit alone, observing the dynamics between Aria and Ethan, two familiar faces, Gertrude and Martha, take seats beside me. The elderly locals, always eager for a chat, greet me with smiles that barely conceal their excitement.

“Cade! Back in Sweet Haven, I see,” Gertrude exclaims, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

I nod, acknowledging their presence. “Yeah, just for the wedding and catching up with old friends.”

Martha nudges Gertrude, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Did you hear about Aria and that young gentleman? Ethan, is it?”

My heart sinks as I realize the conversation is taking an unexpected turn. I play along, feigning casual interest. “Ethan, huh? What’s the scoop?”

Gertrude leans in conspiratorially, her voice barely above a whisper. “Oh, they’ve been courting for weeks now. Such a sweet young couple. Sweet Haven is buzzing with excitement.”

Martha chimes in, “Ethan brings her flowers almost every day. It’s like a real-life romance novel!”

The words hit me like a punch to the gut, the knot in my stomach intensifying. The realization that Aria has moved on, that someone else has become the source of her joy and affection, weighs heavily on me. I force a smile, masking the turmoil within.

“That’s great for them,” I say, the words feeling hollow even to my own ears.

As Gertrude and Martha continue gushing about Aria and Ethan’s budding romance, I can’t help but steal glances at the counter. Aria’s laughter, the genuine joy in her eyes as she engages with Ethan, adds another layer to the invisible barrier that separates us.

In the midst of the conversation, Aria notices me across the room. Her smile falters for a moment, a flicker of something unspoken passing between us. She excuses herself from Ethan, gracefully making her way toward my booth.

“Cade,” she greets, her voice tinged with a mix of warmth and awkwardness.

“Hey,” I reply, my attempt at nonchalance falling short.

Aria glances at the pastry on my table, her eyes betraying a hint of concern. “I hope you enjoyed it. Is everything okay?”

I nod, avoiding direct eye contact. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Just catching up with Gertrude and Martha.”

Her gaze lingers for a moment, as if searching for something beneath the surface. “Well, if you need anything, let me know.”

Aria returns to the counter, seamlessly slipping back into the rhythm of her interactions with Ethan. The laughter, the shared moments, and the exchanged glances create a tableau of a connection that goes beyond the superficial.

As the day unfolds, I find myself grappling with the harsh reality of Aria’s burgeoning romance. Sweet Haven, once a haven of shared memories and unspoken promises, now feels like a bittersweet landscape where the past and the present collide. The laughter that echoes through Aria’s bakery is a reminder of the fleeting nature of our shared history.

In the solitude of my thoughts, I come to terms with the undeniable truth—Aria has moved on, and I am left navigating the echoes of our past in a town that has evolved without me. The wedding, the reunion with old friends, and now, witnessing Aria’s newfound happiness—each moment unfolds like a chapter in a story of which I am no longer the protagonist.
