Page 4 of Royal Compromise

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I nod, grinning. “How could I forget? You were the mastermind behind those paper airplane attacks.”

He laughs, a genuine sound that warms my heart. “Guilty as charged. But admit it—made math a little more bearable.”

Our conversation flows seamlessly, laughter punctuating each shared memory. As we finish our dinner, I can’t help but marvel at the ease with which Cade and I connect, bridging the gap between our past and present.

Cade leans back, a content smile on his face. “Aria, tonight has been unexpectedly enjoyable. I didn’t know wedding planning could be this entertaining.”

I chuckle. “Well, welcome to the world of matrimony madness. It’s a rollercoaster, but the destination is worth it.”

He nods, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Maybe I should stick around for the ride. Who knows what other adventures await.”

As we leave the restaurant, the night air is crisp and filled with the promise of more shared moments. Sweet Haven, with its charming streets and memories around every corner, becomes the backdrop for a new chapter in our unfolding story. It is a night like this when the heartache he caused me all those years ago is disregarded.

Chapter two


The crisp night air wraps around me as I stroll through the familiar streets of my hometown. The unexpected reunion with Aria earlier at the restaurant still plays on my mind, bringing a flood of memories from our shared past.

Despite the gruff exterior that has become second nature to me, seeing her again after several years has stirred emotions I didn’t anticipate.

I lean against a lamppost, my thoughts drifting back to our school days. Aria was always the ray of sunshine, and I was the brooding counterpart to her vibrant personality. Life took us on different paths, and losing contact with her left a void I hadn’t fully realized until tonight.


The bell rings, signaling the end of another school day, and I can’t wait to join Aria for an afternoon of adventure. The sun is shining, casting a warm glow, as we gather our backpacks and head towards our favorite meeting spot—the old oak tree by the school gates.

“Hey, Cade! Ready for some fun?” Aria’s voice rings with excitement as she skips over, her braided hair bouncing with each step.

“Absolutely! What’s on the agenda for today’s grand adventure?” I ask, matching her enthusiasm.

Aria grins, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

“Well today, my dear friend, we’re embarking on a quest to clean the enchanted fort—my backyard playhouse. It desperately needs our heroic efforts.”

I playfully groan. “Cleaning? That doesn’t sound like an adventure.”

Aria nudges me with an elbow. “Oh, ye of little imagination! Imagine the fort as a magical castle, and cleaning becomes a noble quest to restore its glory.”

I can’t help but chuckle at her creativity. “Fine, noble quest it is. But can we add a dragon or something to make it more exciting?”

Aria raises an eyebrow, pretending to ponder.

“Hmm, a dragon, you say? I suppose we could conjure up an imaginary one. Let’s make it a friendly dragon who helps us clean.”

And so, armed with our backpacks filled with imaginary supplies and fueled by the promise of a dragon-assisted cleanup, we head towards Aria’s house.

As we walk, our conversation turns to school gossip, dreams, and the adventures we hope to embark on one day.

Arriving at her house, we’re greeted by the comforting scent of freshly baked cookies—a trademark of the Carlson household. Aria’s mom, Mrs. Carlson, waves at us from the kitchen.

“Hello, you two! Aria, your playhouse awaits. And Cade, make sure you don’t conjure up any real dragons,” she teases.

I grin. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Carlson. Our dragon is very well-behaved.”

We giggle like the carefree kids we are as we make our way to the backyard. The playhouse, surrounded by lush greenery, stands like a magical fortress awaiting our attention.

“Behold, Sir Cade, the enchanted fort in need of our brave efforts!” Aria declares, striking a dramatic pose.
