Page 7 of Royal Compromise

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“You, it’s you. Why would you do that?”

“I don’t know, it didn’t come to my mind,” I say trying to cover up.

“Don’t lie to me, Aria.”

“Okay, fine. Joe wanted you to find out for yourself, besides what’s the big deal?” I ask chuckling.

“Probably because I saw you two when I arrived, and you were both planning for my cousin’s wedding, and I didn’t even know she was his bride-to-be.”

“Okay…okay. You don’t have to be so sensitive about it, it was just a joke. I’m sorry, I should have told you. Are we good now?”

“I guess so.”

Our conversation delves into the changes around town, the stories of people we both knew, and the shared memories that shaped our past. Despite the years of distance keeping us apart, the familiarity of our connection remains intact, and the evening unfolds into a series of laughs, shared secrets, and the acknowledgment of a bond that time can’t erase. We both have avoided the topic of my leaving a decade ago.

As the night draws to a close, I find myself reluctant to part ways. Aria, with her infectious laughter and genuine warmth, has unknowingly woven herself back into my life. I glance at my watch, realizing the late hour.

“Well, Aria, it’s been unexpected and enjoyable, but I should get going,” I say, a genuine smile playing on my lips.

She nods, a playful twinkle in her eyes. “Feel free to drop by Sweet Delights anytime. Not just for stalking me, okay?”

I laugh, standing up from the booth. “I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe I’ll even try those legendary chocolate chip cookies of yours.”

Aria grins, walking with me to the door. “You better. They’re still a hit around here.”

As I step back into the night, the memories of our reunion linger. The city may have shaped me, but Sweet Haven, with its simplicity and unexpected connections, has a way of grounding me. The unexpected joy of seeing Aria again has added a new layer to my homecoming, and as I navigate the familiar streets, I can’t help but wonder what other surprises await in this journey back to the roots of my past.

Chapter three


My phone rings with the familiar chime of Rose’s ringtone, pulling me from the depths of sleep into the crisp reality of a Sweet Haven morning. I glance at the clock—it’s early. Too early for a call, I think as I answer with a raspy, “Hello?”

“Good morning, Aria! Rise and shine,” Rose’s cheerful voice greets me from the other end.

I squint at the sunlight filtering through my curtains. “Morning, Rose. What’s up?”

“There’s a family meeting at Joe’s house this afternoon, remember?” she reminds me.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes. “Right, the wedding stuff. What time is it?”

“Six, Joe and I thought it would be good for everyone to catch up before the rehearsals.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I mumble, already feeling the weight of the day settling in.

“Oh, and one more thing,” Rose adds with a playful tone. “Cade will be there, so put on something nice.”

I chuckle, the sleepiness dissipating. “Cade, huh? Why’s that?”

There’s a brief pause before Rose answers, her voice carrying a hint of mischief. “Well, he is the best man, and we wouldn’t want him thinking his hometown has lost its charm, would we?”

I laugh, appreciating Rose’s sense of humor. “I’ll see what I can do. Anything specific you have in mind?”

“Something that says, ‘I’m effortlessly fabulous but not trying too hard,’” she jokes.

I roll my eyes, still smiling. “Got it. I’ll channel my inner chic.”

“That’s the spirit! Can’t wait to see you. And, Aria, seriously, it’s good to have everyone in town. It’s like the gang’s getting back together.”
