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Chapter 10


“Are you sure you don’t want to take it easy?” Zander asked Rachel the next morning as she stood, crutches perched under her arms.

He usually wasn’t up and moving this early on a Sunday, but her offer had jolted him to life. He’d set two alarms, not wanting to miss seeing her.

Last night had been—well, there really weren’t words for it, not that Zander was very eloquent anyway when it came to love. He’d felt so content with her, so at home, that he’d just found himself smiling like a fool the entire time. From the fancy restaurant to the more fitting burger joint, Rachel was just the highlight of every moment. Her energy and her passion coupled with her sense of ease just made her amazing to be around. He loved that she could put the serious, go-get-it Rachel side of herself aside to just have fun. She was multifaceted in ways Sheila wasn’t. Rachel was just this enigmatic mix of so many things, and he liked that about her. He wanted to uncover all of her mysteries, to know her more. And even though that scared him, it also seemed to invite him in. It had been a long time since he felt this excited, this entranced by someone.

“Look, my appointment is later this week, and I’m feeling great. The doctor is going to clear me, and it’ll be all good. My temporary imprisonment will finally be over. In the meantime, it’s a beautiful day, I need sunshine, and I need some coffee.”

Zander nodded, happy to hear she was in good spirits. He could tell being unable to work was killing her. Still, a part of him wondered if once she was back at work and back to her routine if she would have time for him and his humdrum life.

He brushed the thought aside. He would enjoy today and explore the city with a fresh set of eyes—ones that had taken in Rachel Winters and her aura. Besides, it wasn’t like he was looking for something more than coffee and conversation, right? They’d been brought together by an accident and had somehow managed to stay in touch thanks to her medical imprisonment. It was nothing more than two theater enthusiasts getting to know each other.

Or at least that’s what he promised himself as he ushered her out of the apartment as he followed behind, taking in the sight of her neon yellow leggings and equally as bright T-shirt. She was like a walking ray of sunshine, and the more he got to know her, the more he knew her personality didn’t disappoint, either.

Zander closed the door behind them, and he looked up to see two older women standing in the threshold of the apartment next door. They were an amalgamation of wild patterns, flowy garments, and costume jewelry worthy of a home shopping show. They were bold and vibrant, despite their age. Zander could tell they would be a handful after just a glimpse.

They made quite the first impression, standing there studying the two of them, each holding a glass of wine.

“Oh, he is a looker, and I don’t even like men that much,” the woman in a bright red hat said. The other woman nodded in agreement, wolf whistling.

Zander eyed Rachel, who was chuckling. Before Zander could get clarification as to whether or not he should be worried about these two eccentric women, he felt a nip at his ankle.

“Ow,” he exclaimed, jumping back. He looked down to see a tiny Chihuahua barking at his feet as if he were a mastiff and not a five-pound dog.

“Frank Sinatra, we only bite creepy men, not the gorgeous ones,” the woman in the purple hat chided as she rushed over to pick up the tiny dog.

“Zander, this is Gigi and Beatrice, my neighbors and good friends. They were both on Broadway,” Rachel said, and Zander smiled.

“Nice to meet you,” he said, outstretching a hand.

The woman in the red hat—Zander didn’t know who was who—stepped forward, grabbing his hand. She pulled him in for a hug, a very long hug that verged on making Zander uncomfortable. Plus, his nose was bombarded by the scent of her very rich but very potent perfume. He stifled a cough.

“Oh, he has a nice grasp. Yep, this one would keep you warm at night, Rachel. Good choice. Gigi, give him a try,” she said, ushering the other woman over.

Zander was simultaneously horrified and endeared, these two characters clearly good at making a scene. He would’ve been able to tell they had a love for the stage even if Rachel hadn’t told him.

“Gigi, Beatrice oh my goodness. It’s not like that. Zander’s just a friend,” Rachel announced as Gigi pulled Zander in for a hug. She had a firm grip for a woman her age, and Zander was caught off guard by the strength of her squeeze.

“Oh, dear, come on now. Look at him. I’m an old lady and I think he’s freaking gorgeous,” she said. When she pulled back, Zander smirked.

“Thanks, I think?”

“Thanks, indeed,” Beatrice added, winking and Zander couldn’t help but laugh.

“So tell us about you. Rachel’s told us a lot, but we’d love to know more. In fact, do you have time to come in for a drink? We’ve got a whole array of adult beverages, no matter what kind of man you are. Margarita to whiskey, we can quench any thirst,” Gigi said, winking, and Zander wasn’t sure how she made everything seem sensual. It was clearly a gift.

“We’ve got somewhere to be. We’re sort of in a hurry. Thanks, though,” Rachel said quickly, clearly wanting to avoid the interrogation the two women were about to unleash.

“It’s also a little early for drinking,” Zander added.

Beatrice laughed out loud. “It’s never too early for a little drinking, trust us. Life’s too short to wait until five o’clock. Who made that stupid rule anyway? Truly.”

“Well, we’ve got to get going. Maybe next time,” Rachel added, reinforcing her stance.

“Yes, thank you. Maybe another time. I’d love to hear about your Broadway careers. I’m sure they were marvelous.”
