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“Rachel, thank you. Of course I want to go, especially if you’re in it. It isn’t weird you gave these to me. Are you kidding? These are crazy good seats. Thank you.”

“Oh, good. I was just worried it would seem conceited that I was like here, come watch me perform. I’m glad you like them.” She smiled, and Zander could see the relief on her face. She’d clearly thought about this for some time.

“And just so you know, I do plan to be there too. On stage. I know I’m going to be cleared this week.”

“Well, there’s no use in rushing things, Rachel. The spot will be there for you when you get back. But I thought this ticket was yours?” he asked, staring at the two tickets with some confusion.

“No, it’s for you to bring someone. I didn’t know if there was someone you would want to take.” Her eyes stared at him, awaiting his answer. They hadn’t talked about this sort of thing because they didn’t really need to, not really.

But things were changing.

“No, there’s no one. Well, other than my cat, but that may be frowned upon.” Zander thought he was imagining it, but it looked like Rachel’s smile widened at the news.

“Okay, then. Well, it just felt awkward to get you one ticket. You know?”

“I do,” he grinned. “But I’m used to flying solo.”

“I hear you,” she replied, taking a sip of coffee and returning her gaze to the sight before them. Ambling tourists, frolicking children, and a little piece of nature right in the middle of the city.

“This was my favorite place when I moved here. It just made me feel like home a bit.”

“So where are you from originally?” she asked.

“Pennsylvania. A small town. You?”

“Kansas, actually.”

“Wow, that’s far way. I’m assuming you came here for Broadway?” he asked her.

“You bet. I got a little bit of a late start, but I made it here eventually, so I guess that’s all that matters.”

“What happened?” he asked. She hesitated, seemingly lost in a world of thought from a different time.

Finally, she shrugged. “I got tangled up in some stupid choices. I almost let someone else get in my way of making my dreams work out. My boyfriend in high school didn’t want me coming to the city alone, and he hated the thought of New York. He started working for his dad’s roofing company right out of high school, and he just didn’t want to do long distance. I was stupid and let my heart get in the way of my future. I decided to go to a community college in Kansas and study theater there, but it wasn’t the same, of course. I ended up getting out of college and not really knowing who I was or what I was doing. It took me a long time to realize my relationship with Seth wasn’t what I wanted. He was holding me back. He was super controlling, too. He had this vision of me raising his children, being a housewife, and just staying in Kansas forever. I wasn’t into that vision, and we realized our goals didn’t align.”

“Wow, that’s intense,” Zander announced, looking at her.

“It was. I spent a couple of years lost, working any and every job that came along. Luckily, I got my head on straight before it was way too late. I moved out here when I was twenty-six after saving up some money. I had the degree but no experience. I really lacked confidence, too. I didn’t feel worthy of the stage. It took me a while to get into the business. I spent a couple of years waitressing and just hoping I wasn’t making another mistake. Thankfully, Gigi and Beatrice never gave up on me and helped me go after my goals. This show was my big break a couple of years ago. I’m still not quite where I want to be, but I know enough about this business to know sometimes it doesn’t happen. I’m just trying to be grateful for doing what I love, even if it isn’t quite how I pictured it. And I still haven’t given up on my dream of being a lead role, even if it’s taking me much longer than I ever thought.”

Zander nodded. “Rachel, I haven’t seen you on the stage yet, but I’m willing to bet you radiate up there. You just have this quality about you that draws people in, you know? And clearly you have a true passion for the job. Most people would’ve given up, but the fact you didn’t just shows you’re meant for this. I can’t wait to see what you do next week. I can’t wait for you to get back to what you love.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you are going to come.”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” he replied.

“Well, unless I take another tumble, right?”

“Just so there aren’t any balcony scenes.”

She smiled and turned the conversation to other, lighter topics. Zander didn’t mind, though. For the first time in a long time, he felt rejuvenated and reenergized. He would hang on to the feeling for as long as he could, no matter how risky.

But with Rachel, things felt different. The risk, well, it didn’t seem to be there. And later, when they parted ways, he thought about her words from earlier, about how it wasn’t too late for her to chase her dreams.

As he went home to his empty apartment save for Jon Snow, Zander thought about how maybe it wasn’t too late to find the life he didn’t even realize he was missing.
