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Rachel looked back, and maybe it was Zander’s imagination, but it felt like she was staring right at him. He nodded to show interest, but he couldn’t help but notice how even in this small crowd, it was like her eyes just knew how to find his.

She kept talking about lines and caution and safety and all sorts of things, but Zander was barely listening. He was caught up in her, in her aura, in her clear passion for what she did.

It was exhilarating in a way he hadn’t experienced in a long time.

“So as I was saying, kids, one misstep and splat. The moment is lost. One time, an actress kind of did one of these numbers,” Rachel said, still staring at Zander, her gaze piercing into his as she demonstrated a weird stance near the edge of the stairs, “and all of a sudden….”

And then it all took a turn for the worst.

* * *

“Everyone, stay calm,”Zander demanded as students and staff alike screamed, shrieked, and rushed over to the fallen Broadway star. She lay at the bottom of the steps, the tumble happening in what almost felt like slow motion. Zander had seen disaster before Rachel had as her demonstration of what not to do on the balcony became a real-life re-enactment. She’d realized her error too late, and no one could do anything but watch the actress crash down the stairs, noise and screams underscoring the terror.

Zander stood over her now, leaning down and clearing an area around her to assess the damage. His heart thudded in his chest, the sheer fear of what he just witnessed punctuated by the horror of his students.

“Stay calm. Rocky, do like we practiced the other week in school, remember? Do you remember how to call 911 and give them instructions? Can you do that?”

“I’m on it, Mr. Riley,” he said as one of the female assistants followed Rocky to the corner to begin dialing.

“Rachel? Rachel, are you okay?’ Zander asked, gently touching her face but careful not to move her neck in case she was injured. He took a careful inventory of her body and couldn’t see any blood or any bones protruding, which was a good thing. It had been quite a fall, though, and she’d certainly hit her head on the way down.

Slowly, groggily, Rachel’s eyes started to flutter, an animalistic groan escaping her lips.

“Rachel? Are you okay? No, no, don’t move. Stay still,” Zander ordered, holding her arm now, trying to calm the woman as he breathed a sigh of relief she was now conscious. He could hear Mrs. Humphrey leading Rocky through the correct descriptions of the situation. “An ambulance is on its way, okay? You took a bit of a spill, but you’ll be okay.”

Rachel looked up into his eyes now, and his stomach fluttered again, but not out of fear. Well, not completely. She started to sit up, but he gently coaxed her back down.

“You need to stay still until the ambulance gets here.”

“I don’t need an ambulance, no way. I’m fine,” she argued, her voice weak but her eyes determined.

“It was a pretty bad spill.”

Rachel exhaled. “I’m such an idiot,” she exclaimed, one hand now finding her head as she groaned.

“It’s fine. We’re just glad you’re going to be okay.”

“I’m so sorry. I’ve ruined the workshop. I knew this was a terrible idea.”

“It wasn’t a terrible idea, Miss Winters. You showed us exactly what not to do on the balcony. That was helpful,” Katie insisted, standing near Rachel.

Zander’s eyes met Rachel’s, and they both shared in a smile despite the terror of the situation. Sweet Katie always tried to comfort everyone.

“Well, she’s a little bit right, I guess. But Michael’s still going to kill me,” Rachel replied.

“Who’s Michael?” Zander asked, his heart inexplicably hoping she didn’t say it was her boyfriend.

“My director. I mean, we have the show in a couple of hours. I can’t go to the hospital.”

“Michael will understand. Accidents happen. There’s no question here. You’re going to the hospital to get checked out.”

“Yeah, but I hate the hospital. I don’t do doctors, needles, or blood, so I don’t do ambulances. Please, I appreciate what you’ve done here, but I’m fine. I can just walk it off, really. My ankle is just a little bit sore, but I’m sure it’s all good.” She started sitting up again, but as she did, she cried out, holding her head and laying back down, groaning.

Zander raised an eyebrow at her. “Stubborn, I see?”

“I prefer the word determined.”

“Well, Miss Determined, listen. You need to get checked over. And who knows, maybe it won’t be a long wait.”

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