Page 110 of The Beta's Bargain

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My mother was wise. I’ve thought about her a lot in the last few days. I wonder if she would be proud of me.

Today is going to be the biggest day for the pack yet. It’s the end of the Omega Meet. From the whispers and gossip I've heard, it looks like several of the packs found omegas. The event has actually turned out to be a success, despite Silver. Despite everything, it somehow worked.

I turn away from those thoughts as I sneak into the dining room. There’s a short speech ceremony and announcements before the fun starts. I stand near the back wall in the shadows and watch as Silas, Grayson, and Falcon give speeches. At the end, six packs stand up and announce their omegas to the room. There are gifts and more speeches, but I ignore all that.

My pack stands up again, taking the stage, demanding and commanding the attention of the room.

“We’d also like to thank everyone here for being patient and allowing us time while we courted our omega and convinced him to join us.” Gray beams. “Allow me to introduce Pack Treyfields Omega. Dylan Wryven.”

The applause is deafening.

I lean back against the wall, taking in the way they all lean into each other. The soft touches. They’re in love.

I should be happy. I am happy.

No one notices me sneak out of the room. I hide for most of the day, but I need to see them one last time. It’s taken me all day to come to that realisation, and I hate myself for it. I’m a masochist.

My bags are downstairs. A car will be waiting to take me home. All I need to do is flag down Simon. I’ve said a long painful goodbye with Moira and Hazel over lunch, and we’ve promised to keep in touch.

It’s been a long time since I had friends, and if I walk away from here with just that, I'm luckier than I can hope to be.

But I also have a plan. One that’s taken me a while to come to terms with, that I couldn’t have done with Silver beside me. A plan to take back a part of myself that I lost a long time ago. These four days have been a chance for me to really reflect on how I used to live my life and how I will do so going forward.

I put on the dress that Hazel, in her generosity, gave me. It’s jet black with a mother-of-pearl translucent layer of tulle over the top, giving the impression it shimmers as I move. The fabric hugs my bodice and hips tight and flows out in a-line. It’s an illusion of dark dreams and fantasies. I look like a princess.

We combed my hair until it shines and hangs down to my mid-back. My make-up is subtle but sultry. If I'm going to go out, at least I'll look like a queen doing it, right? I tighten my clammy hands and then force myself to relax as I step into the dining room.

It’s been transformed. All around, the round tables have been swapped out with rectangle ones. Little floating lanterns hold hundreds of flickering flames. And a woman in a glittering red dress sings about love on the stage. There are rose petals on the floor and each table has a red and white or red and black theme.

It takes my breath away, and I ache in that moment to be so alone.

As people see me, they go silent. I move through the room steadily, keeping my eyes on where I need to go. My courage is broken, but I keep my chin up and focus on moving one foot at a time. I wonder if these judgemental packs know about what happened? Does anyone know the full story? Then I decide I don’t really care who knows what.

There are only four opinions that matter.

Grayson is the first to spot me. His eyes widening before his face closes down, but then Dylan and Silas follow his gaze and lock on me. Their reactions are identical to Grays, and my heart sinks a little bit more. I almost falter.

I pull out an empty chair at their table and drop into it. Falcon puts down his knife and fork and stares at me with exasperation.

“What do you want now?” He snaps.

I lift my arm, holding my wrist up to him. “Please, remove this.”

His face freezes. “I forgot. I apologise.” He stands up and rounds the table before he kneels beside me. I stare at him as he takes my wrist and presses in the security key code to remove it. Does he linger a moment too long? Is that touch accidental or intentional? My skin tingles where he touches me. I stare down at him and will him to say what I need to hear them say.

Understand me. Forgive me. Trust me.

As soon as it’s free, I wish it was back on there because I know nothing has changed. He stands up and slides it into his pocket.

“I also,” I clear my throat, “I also wanted to offer you congratulations.”

Silas scowls and picks up his drink and downs it. “Because we won?”

The words sting. “I'm not sure you did win,” I say sharply. “I wanted to offer congratulations for finding each other. I hope you are happy.”

Dylan isn’t even looking at me. I stare at him, willing him to look up. Silently begging because we can't be done, how could we be done?

“I looked for you in the shadows every night,” I whisper, my voice breaking.
