Page 109 of Wrath

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Shade said, “I know Wrath and her had a conversation before he left, but I haven’t seen her since then.”

“He loved her.” Sophia’s voice had softened and the look on her face was breathtakingly gentle. “He loved her for years.”

“He had quite the reputation before her,” Shade said to Eddie. “But after he met your mother, he became more reclusive and cleaned up his act.”

Eddie trod carefully. There might be things she did not want to know about her father. “Reputation?”

“Best not to ask.” Shade grinned at her. “But let’s say that despite what one might think, I was not the biggest man whore in hell.”

Sophia frowned at him. “You weren’t a man whore at all. You never have been.”

That was news to Eddie, and it unsettled her. She had assumed with his ability that he would have plenty of beings ready to take up his offer.

He caught her looking at him and winked. “Surprised?”

“Yeah.” There was no point in verbal evasion when her face was doing the talking.

“Shade embodies lust,” Sophia says. “That does not mean he indulges.”

Shade gave her a roguish smile. “And what does that say about you and chastity?”

Giggling, Sophia went all shades of red and slipped out of the dressing room.

Eddie turned off the lights and followed her and Shade downstairs.

They got to the outside door and stopped.

“I’m concerned about Wrath,” Sophia said. “He seems very sad.”

Groaning, Shade shook his head. “And that’s going to make him grumpier than ever.”

“Is that even possible?” Sophia grinned and then slid through the door into the parking lot. “Good night, Eddie.”

“Good night.” She didn’t like to think of Wrath being sad. “Is it even possible?” She turned and looked up at Shade. He was closer than she’d thought, and her body reacted to his proximity. She wanted to lean into him, stand on her toes and press her mouth to his. She remembered the taste of him—honey and musk. Words made themselves impossible to catch in her mind, and she had to breathe deep. “Is it possible for Wrath and Haziel to be together?”

“Anything’s possible, Eddie.” Shade shifted closer, and her breasts brushed against his chest. The heat and want in his gray eyes made her pulse pound. “Just because a thing hasn’t happened before, doesn’t mean it cannot.”

Were they still talking about Wrath and Haziel?

He cupped her cheek with his palm. “Hell princes can fall irrevocably and completely in love.”

“Is Wrath in love with Haziel?” Her voice went deeper and raspier. Her heart raced.

“You’d have to ask him.” He leaned closer and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.

Disappointment soured in her belly. For a moment there, she’d been sure he was about to kiss her. Properly kiss her and not a chaste peck on the forehead. “Shade?” She didn’t know what she was asking, but the moment felt heavy, and she needed clarity.

“Would you like me to check on Wrath for you?”


He nodded and stepped back. “I will leave in the morning.”

Checking on Wrath meant he would be gone from her. “Won’t it be dangerous?”

“Eddie.” He flashed a grin. “I am a hell prince. I am well able to take care of myself.”

She remembered several occasions when that hadn’t been true. “Maybe, but take the hounds with you.”
