Page 28 of Wrath

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Haziel woke to champagne light filtering through the gauzy curtains of the room she’d been shown to after they’d had a long chat with Ava that had lasted well into the small hours. By the time one of Ava’s demons had led her to a bed chamber, she’d been so tired it had been a struggle to keep her eyes open.

Being in hell was draining, and she grew as tired as the average human would on earth.

A virulently red bird fluttered to a perch outside her window and started a showy song to the morning sun. Ramiel’s demesne was considerably less colorful, and she rather liked the contrast here.

The bed was amazingly comfortable, and she took a long, luxuriant stretch.

Somewhere in the palace, Wrath would also be waking up. He was very different from Ramiel, which was not surprising, considering they were each other’s counterbalance. Being with Ramiel was soothing and calm. He revered order and reason and would never deign to flirt outrageously with her or force her to admit her attraction for him. He also didn’t make her laugh like Wrath did. She felt guilty about her disloyal thought. Of course Ramiel didn’t spend his time making jokes and trying to get a reaction out of her. He was busy, important, an archangel. Then again, Wrath was a hell prince. She took a deep breath and centered herself. Acknowledging her attraction to Wrath was healthy, sensible. Acknowledge, accept, and then move on. That’s what she’d do.

Being attracted to Wrath didn’t need to present a problem. She was a master at keeping her emotions in check and getting on with the task assigned to her. Once this mission was over, she would return to Ramiel’s demesne with a bunch of new and exciting experiences that other angels of her station could only dream about. Her contribution to Ramiel’s host would be more valuable with all that she was learning.

She got out of bed and padded into the adjoining bathroom.

A giant, crystal clawfoot tub took pride of place in front of towering bay windows. Beyond the pristine grass, a garden of insanely bright flowers competed for most garish color, yet somehow, blended in a delightful jumble. Large gold statues littered the garden and caught the bright sunlight in dazzling displays. Jewel colored ponds—blues, greens and even reds and yellow—nestled between the flower beds. So much color that it almost hurt to look at, yet Haziel enjoyed it.

She poured her bath and added lavender crystals from a platinum bowl thoughtfully placed beside the bathtub. Her clothing had been freshly laundered and sat folded on a chair close to the tub.

As urgent as their business was, Haziel lingered over her bath and getting dressed. She rubbed jasmine scented lotion into her skin. Tiny flecks of gold in the lotion turned her skin to a bronze sheen.

Ramiel would be horrified by the excess, but he wasn’t here, and she decided to enjoy it while she could.

A demon waited outside her bedroom door and bowed low as she opened it. “Seraph,” he murmured. “If you would follow me, the mistress is waiting for you.”

“Have you seen Wrath?” She found it hard not to gape at the lavish paintings and tapestries clawing for space on the walls.

The demon cleared his throat. “Follow me, please.”

She hoped Wrath hadn’t been awake and upsetting Ava before she could get there and mediate. He had a way with words, did Wrath, and it wasn’t a good way.

The room she was taken to had one silver and glass table in the center, with one chair, and one place setting.

“Breakfast,” the demon said as he bowed his way out.

Haziel took a seat, feeling dwarfed by the open, airy space.

The door opened, and more demons entered with her breakfast. Fresh, plump berries that made her mouth water. A jar of pale honey and thick, creamy yoghurt with it. A bowl of nuts was carefully placed beside the other items. A platter of golden, flaky pastries joined the rest of her breakfast, along with a pat of bright yellow butter.

The same demon who had led her to the room bowed. “What else can we get you?”

Eyeing the feast in front of her, Haziel had to laugh. “I’m sure this will do perfectly.”

“Very good,” he said and disappeared again.

Wrath had probably already had breakfast, and for all her languid ways, Haziel didn’t imagine Ava lounging around in bed for the entire morning.

She had finished her second bowl when the door opened, and Ava stepped into the room.

This morning she wore an indigo silk gown that clung to the strong, lithe lines of her body and trailed along the floor behind her. Precious gems were woven through her lustrous dark hair piled atop her head. She smiled as a demon produced a chair for her and set it at the table opposite Haziel. “Good morning.”

“Morning.” Haziel waited for Wrath to appear. When Ava selected a berry from the bowl and bit into it, she took the initiative. “Is Wrath joining us?”

“Hmm?” Ava popped the rest of the berry into her mouth. “Funny you should ask.”

And Haziel’s belly fluttered uncomfortably. There was a glint in Ava’s dark eyes that made her nervous. “And why’s that funny?”

“Wrath left.” Ava shrugged and helped herself to another berry. She dipped it in honey and dropped it into her mouth.

Haziel couldn’t have heard that right. “Did you say Wrath left?”
