Page 39 of Wrath

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“You left me here.” She hated pointing out the obvious. Not really. It was rather satisfying. “You left me here where anything could have happened to me. And now?—”

“I left you with Ava. You were perfectly safe.” His gaze flicked over her clothing. “And clearly, very comfortable.”

“Oh, yes.” She looked down at her floaty, gauzy outfit. She’d taken to copying these from Ava. A cropped top left her midriff bare to the cooling breezes, and the overlapping panels of her long skirt revealed her legs. “Do you like it?”

Wrath gave her legs a searing look. “Don’t ask stupid questions, Haziel.”

“So, that’s a yes?” After her embarrassing confession he’d forced out of her about his ass, she was due a little payback.

“That’s a yes,” he said. “But we still need to go.”

“Sit down.” She motioned to a nearby comfortably armchair. Night was not a safe time to travel in hell with roving demon hordes most active and powerful in the dark. “You’re looming over me in a very disagreeable manner.”

He raised that brow again but took a seat.


“No.” His towel created a couple of minor difficulties, and he solved those by shoving it between his thighs.

“Have a drink.” She studied his sculpted and muscular body without bothering to hide it. She’d already admitted to liking his form. “You’re more muscular than Ramiel.”

He sighed. “I don’t want charcuterie or a drink. What I want is for both of us to get on with searching for my daughter. And you’re drunk.”

“Tipsy.” She needed to clarify the drunk part, but he was right about their needing to find Eddie, Still, she could torture him a little more. “I am pleasantly buzzed.”

“Right,” he drawled. He looked a bit grumpy. “And when did you see Ramiel naked?”

For Ramiel’s sake she needed to clear up any misapprehensions he was forming in his fertile mind. “I have worked under…I mean…with Ramiel for a long time. I have seen him sparring many times. And other things.” She didn’t feel like going into too many details, and especially not about how Ramiel liked to hold some of his meetings with her when he was in the bath. Those were particularly torturous for her, because unlike now, when she didn’t have to hide her perusal of Wrath, when she was with Ramiel, she kept her eyes strictly on her papers.

Covet appeared with a piña colada and handed it to Wrath.

He took it with a growl and tossed the bright pink umbrella and hibiscus blossom on the floor.

“Fine, we’ll play this your way for now, but only because I don’t want to travel in the dark,” he said and took a careful sip of his drink. He pulled a face, but she got the sense he did it more for effect than anything else. Who didn’t like pina coladas? Coconut, pineapple, white rum—yummy.

“You’re leaving in the morning,” she said and drained her daiquiri.

“At first light.” He fixed her with a gimlet stare. “So, you have your fun but I’m off to find my daughter and you can join me or explain to Ramiel why he has to get you out of Ava’s demesne.” He smirked. “You might also need to explain to him at the same time why you abandoned your mission to keep an eye on me.”

Check-mate. Game over.

Covet reappeared.

“No.” Wrath glowered at him. “She doesn’t need another drink.”

“Yes, I do.” Haziel resented the end to her fun. She was also not enjoying the way he was taking charge of her and her drinking. “You abandoned me,” she snapped. “You don’t get to arrive here and start telling me what to do.”

“I didn’t abandon you.”

“Yes, you did.”

“Rosé All Day?” Her favorite demon smiled.

Just the thing. “Yes!”

“Haziel!” Wrath surged to his feet. “You have a job to do here. And that doesn’t include getting shitfaced on cocktails and lounging around in skimpy outfits.”

“You said you liked it.”
