Page 42 of Wrath

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Ashe had come in first. Her relief at seeing him had quickly been displaced by dread as Calix followed behind him. Then came the pendant that they placed over her head. The moment the crystal made contact with her, the pain started.

Calix’s eyes gleamed as he watched her power drain into the amulet. At first, she’d tried not to scream, but she didn’t even have the energy for that anymore. The louder she screamed, the more Calix seemed to enjoy it.

She dared not look at Ashe. If she saw signs that he enjoyed it, her one relief from this place would be tainted.

Once it was done, Calix lifted the pendant from around her neck and tucked it inside the leather pouch. He’d leave then.

As he often did, Ashe stayed for a while. Like before, he’d bent down and uncapped the water bottle. He’d lightly squeezed her fingers as he’d place it in her clasp.

Then he’d left, and she’d done as she always did and counted the locks.

The locks! The fucking locks!

She’d heard three clicks but not four. What did that mean?


There were still three locks between her and freedom. Three locks keeping her confined in this miserable place. Each time they drained her, it hurt more, and it took her longer to recover. The time was approaching when she would no longer be able to recover and then what? She lay on her side, willing her body to recover, unable to move yet and stared at the door.

The fourth lock hadn’t turned. That had to mean something, because it was all she had.

Chapter Sixteen

Wrath woke with his heart beating like a war drum and blood surging through his veins. Rage pounded inside his chest, and he wanted to tear the world asunder. Blood surged to his muscles, and his wings ached for release.

Shit! His seal was weakening again, and he could feel the effects even in Ava’s demesne.

Breathing deep, he wrestled it under control and stepped through the double doors to the balcony attached to his chamber.

Dawn was still hours away, and the need to act scratched at him. Fury prowled beneath his skin like a hungry predator demanding he let it out to hunt and gorge itself. His Eddie needed him, yet he waited here for Ava to stop playing her capricious games with him and for Haziel to sober up and join him. He could do as Haziel asked and leave her here. The moment the idea popped into his head, he ripped it aside. Haziel had come here with him, and she would leave with him.

It was because he didn’t feel like the shitshow if he arrived on earth without her. Sure, let him continue to believe that was the reason. It beat the alternative, which was the primal insistence within him that they were now connected.

And that was pathetically stupid. Haziel was a seraph, not merely part of Ramiel’s host, but his second. Seconds were vital and chosen for their strength. If there ever came a time when an archangel or hell prince wanted to pass on from this existence, they could transfer their power to their second. It had to be done willingly and didn’t happen automatically on the death of the higher being, but it was an out for beings who might grow weary with their endless existences. There was no way she was now, nor could ever be, his. Still, her tawny skin beneath that floaty bit of nothing she’d been wearing last night rose in his mind—much as it had for most of the night. Haziel was beautiful and so very tempting. And she was far from immune to him. It all provided too much temptation.

Wrath pounded his fist on the balcony and got grim satisfaction when the wrought iron bent beneath his blow.

With his seal weakening again, the need to act became imperative. His emotions were skewing inside him and driving him to violence. The only way to control his urges was through action.

A fresh wave of fury washed over him, and Wrath threw back his head and bellowed.

He needed to act now. Making short work of getting dressed, he kicked open his door and charged into the corridor.

“Ava!” His voice reverberated off the domed ceiling. “Ava! Where the fuck are you?”

Wings beat the air, and there she was. Her eyes glittered with obsidian fury as she closed on him. “Wrath! You dare disturb the peace of my palace.”

The air charged with menace as they faced each other.

“Leave,” Ava hissed.

Wrath released his wings. “Not without Haziel.”

* * *

“Angel.” Covet stood by her bed and stared at her.

She blinked at the predawn view outside the window. “No cocktail, thank you. Not now.”
