Page 61 of Wrath

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“She can’t hear you,” Shade said. “She passed out about forty-five minutes ago, and I haven’t been able to rouse her.”

“Oh, Wrath.” Haziel stepped out from behind Wrath, her hand on his shoulder, her compassionate gaze on Eddie’s inert form. “She will be well. Shade got to her in time.”

Wrath seemed to draw strength from the contact, and his shoulders straightened. He held out his arms for Eddie. “Give her to me.”

Struggle played across Shade’s beautiful face as he looked from Wrath to Eddie.

“Please, Shade.” Dee touched his arm. “Wrath can help her.”

Shade’s internal battle tightened his features, until with a sigh, he held Eddie out to Wrath. “She needs you.”

“She’s my daughter.” Wrath cradled Eddie to his chest. “There is nothing that I will not do for her.”

Sophia felt like an interloper as the silent battle took place between Wrath and Shade. They both loved this Nephillim so much, and neither of them could trust another with her.

“I vow to you,” Wrath said, his voice quiet and gruff. “I will do all that I can.”

Shade finally nodded. “I wish I could do more.”

“You have done everything.” Wrath gave him a curt nod. “I am forever in your debt.”

Shade watched Wrath stride into the theatre with Eddie, and Sophia almost didn’t catch his quiet words, “As I am forever in your debt.”

“Haziel,” Ramiel thundered, his wings out. “You will report to me.”

Haziel stopped in the doorway where she’d been following Wrath and bowed to Ramiel. “Archangel.”

And Sophia refused to hold her tongue any longer. “Shut the fuck up, Ramiel. We have much bigger things to worry about than your dented ego.” She nodded to Haziel. “See what Wrath needs and make sure he gets it.”

Ramiel sucked in a breath and straightened his shoulders.

She didn’t give a fuck. Ramiel was a pompous blowhard who should spend less time strumming a harp on his cloud and more time dealing with the world.

Sophia stared him down and finally, Ramiel nodded.

On a hastily suppressed gasp, Haziel followed Wrath and Shade into the theatre.

Once they were alone in the parking lot, Ramiel rounded on her, wings flared and gaze threatening retribution. “You have no right,” he thundered.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Sophia was so tired of the male presenting archangels assuming they were in command of her. She could match them power for power. She could blow their egos and their petty bullshit right out of the sky. “Tell someone who gives a shit.”

“You countermanded me.” Ramiel glowed like a midday sun. “You countermanded me before two hell princes, a guardian and a human.”

“Let’s not forget your seraph.” Sophia let her wings flare behind her. She refused to play subservient to these arrogant pricks any longer. “And I did so because you were out of line.”

Ramiel eyed her wings and scoffed. “Out of line. Wrath has disappeared with my seraph for weeks, yet you defend him.”

“The seraph you commanded to stay by his side. You sent a seraph to hell with only a powerless hell prince for protection.” Sophia was not inclined to play nice. Nice got you nowhere. Nice got you consigned to underling. “If she has come to prefer his company, you only have yourself and your unmitigated arrogance to blame.”

Ramiel stuck his chin out. “You have no idea of which you speak.”

“Really?” Sophia called his bullshit. “Haziel went with Wrath only under your command, and now she recognizes what you fail to.” She stepped into his space. “That the love of a father for his child exceeds all other concerns.” She met his gaze and held it. “And I suggest that you start to develop an iota of empathy before you lose more than you’re prepared to.”

Chapter Twenty-Three

The sights, sounds, and smells of the theatre wrapped around Eddie like a cozy blanket as Wrath carried her up the stairs to her bedroom. She didn’t know how long they’d been flying because she’d drifted off at some point, but night had fallen.

Shade’s face showed no signs of exhaustion as his face hovered behind Wrath’s shoulder. Wrath held her in a strong, sure grip that made her feel safe.
