Page 69 of Wrath

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“You know, you could look around the room instead of consulting that infernal device.” Michael shifted the broad sword between his shoulder blades.

Wrath’s spine crawled, and then Lucifer appeared in the doorway. “Am I late?”

Red washed over his sight, and fury surged through his body. He’d kill him.

Wrath lunged for his twin, only to run into the brick wall of Michael, Raphael, and Ramiel.

“No fighting,” Gabriel snapped. “We cannot afford to be divided at this time.”

Wrath didn’t give a fuck. Lucifer had been responsible for Eddie’s kidnapping, and the torture they’d put his child through. He would have his vengeance in flesh, sinew, and blood. “He ends now.”

“Stop,” Michael grunted. “We can’t let you end him.”

Through his wash of rage, Wrath noted that Michael didn’t deny his right to wreak his vengeance on Lucifer.

He threw his strength against the triumvirate of muscle between him and his target.

“Listen to him.” Despite panting from his effort of holding Wrath back, Raphael managed to sound calm and rational. “I have spoken with Lucifer, and you should hear him out.”

“Fuck off.” Wrath pulled on his power. His wings released.

Michael, Raphael, and Ramiel pulled their power to hold him.

The mirror shattered, faucets exploded, cupboard doors wrenched from their hinges and flew around the room. The furniture buckled and slammed into walls. The lights exploded.

“Nope.” Ramiel gritted his teeth, perspiration dotting his forehead. “Stop now, or I’m gonna have to shut you down.”

And only Ramiel could do it. His check and balance, his countermeasure.

“Breathe.” Shade touched his shoulder, then leaned closer and whispered, “Let’s hear him out first, and then we end him. When these fuckers aren’t around.”

He’d always hated how tricky Shade could be, but right now, Wrath appreciated it. As an enemy he could drive you to destruction; as an ally he was a cool, measured head.

“I’m good.” Wrath dragged a breath into his lungs.

Michael, Ramiel, and Raphael kept their hold on him.

“Get your fucking hands off me.”

Ramiel stared into his eyes. “Are you calm?”

“Go fuck yourself.”

Ramiel chuckled and glanced at his fellow archangels. “He’s angry, but he’s got a hold on it now.”

Michael and Ramiel stepped back but kept themselves between him and the hell prince who was about to meet extinction.

“I love these little get-togethers,” Belle murmured.

Lucifer’s gaze met his over Raphael’s muscled shoulder. “I didn’t take her, brother. I vow it.”

“Tell him who did.” Raphael kept his focus on Wrath.

“Ashe.” Lucifer’s jaw tightened, his characteristic insouciance missing. “He was one of mine, but this was not under my instruction. Fucker went rogue, and I haven’t seen him in months.”

Wrath’s temper lashed its tail within him, and Shade tightened the grip on his shoulder. “I don’t believe you.”

“I’m aware.” Lucifer raised an eyebrow. “But think, Satanus. What reason would I have for kidnapping your daughter?” He pressed a hand to his chest. “My niece.”
