Page 93 of Wrath

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Groaning, Shade dropped his head back and stared at the ceiling. “Eddie, why can’t you be like most of humanity and wallow in blissful ignorance?”

She poked his stomach to get his attention—and holy ab overload. “What are you three cooking up?”

“It’s unrelated to Haziel.”

Not good enough. “Try again.”

Shade’s eyes gleamed silver. “There are far more interesting things we could be doing than discussing this.”

Holy shitballs. She’d almost forgotten how powerful his lust thing was. It hit her in the core like a promise of Nirvana…but she was on to him, and she breathed deep and punched him. “Stop that shit and tell me.”

Later, she promised her rioting woman parts.

“Eddie.” He tugged her against him. “Please don’t ask this of me. Please don’t ask that I expose you to danger again.”

How could you simultaneously want to hug and smack a male? “I think the time for shielding me flew out the window when Ashe abducted me.”

“Exactly.” Shade drew back far enough to meet her gaze. “You suffered, and I would not have you suffer again.”

“I’m in this. I want to help.” She nestled against his chest, needing the connection. “I didn’t choose this, but it is what it is now, and pushing me to the sidelines hurts like hell.” She looked up at him so he could see her truth in her eyes. “And I’m tired of being a victim.”

His struggle played across the finely made bone structure of his face and settled in the silvery depths of his eyes. “I never want you to suffer again.”

“Then give me the knowledge that empowers me.” He needed to understand this, or there was no future for them. “Give me choices.”

Chapter Thirty-Three

Yesterday—who probably wouldn’t see tomorrow if Wrath had anything to do with it—had produced a date and time for a rebel demon meeting. Since his return minus Haziel from the horsemen’s resting place, he had thrown himself into activity. He didn’t want to think about the gnawing ache in his chest, so he drove himself to get to the root of what was happening with the demons and the seals. Still, in those quiet moments when he rested, sparkling green eyes, velvety dusky skin, and a sweet laugh chased him back into action again. She’d gone with Ramiel. Worse than that, she’d begged him to let her go.

And he, like the fucking idiot he was, had let her. When was he going to learn around females? They all fucking left sooner or later. The ones that made him feel things did, in any case. One glimmer of a silver lining in this whole clusterfuck was that his loss of Haziel had put in perspective any lingering fondness he might have felt for Rosabella.

She was constantly around, batting her lashes at him and pouting in a way that used to make him want to move hell for her. Now her heavy-handed attempts at ingratiation made him want to punch shit. Actually, he pretty much wanted to punch shit as a default right now.

Just when Wrath was warming up enough to Shade not to want to eviscerate him on sight, they stood outside the theatre with Wrath unable to believe he was looking at Eddie standing there beside Shade. And Shade would do as his first punching bag.

“She asked me to let her make her own decisions.” Shade shrugged. “To give her choices.”

“Choices?” Wrath spat. Choices that could very well get her dead. Haziel had made a choice, and it hadn’t been him. Rosabella had made that same choice. Now Shade wanted him to condone him sending his daughter right into the belly of the beast.

“Yup.” Dee slid out of the backstage door and joined them. “We all need them.”

And Wrath’s night slid into his top three worst ever. Fucking choices! This was the problem with humans. They always insisted on choices in matters they were woefully ill-equipped to make decisions about. For the sake of his budding relationship with his daughter, he kept the rancor out of his tone. “These are not matters that involve humans.”

“Beg to differ there, big man.” Dee thumped his shoulder. “This affects all of us. You go boom, and we all go boom.”

“Dee?” Eddie frowned down at her grandmother. “What are you doing here?”

“Me?” Dee’s eyes went all innocent and wide behind her pink zebra print glasses. “I thought we were infiltrating a secret demon meeting. That’s what I’m doing here.” She shrugged and grinned at Eddie. “But if we’re just going for a burger and a beer, I’m down with that too.” Hauling a heaven wrought blade out from under her sweatshirt, she grimaced. “But I’ll probably leave this behind if we’re doing the burger and beer thing.”

Wrath felt the growl building in his core, and he closed on Shade. They’d agreed—him, Shade, and Sophia—that they would handle this quietly and on their own. He refused to be like Ramiel and send others into danger. “Did you tell everyone?”

“Eddie forced the information out of me.” Shade grinned down at Eddie, his expression softening. “She can be very persuasive.”

“Stop it.” Wrath pounded his arm. He did not want to hear any of that about his daughter. “Don’t do that. Don’t think that. Don’t even imagine that.”

Eddie smiled and stepped closer to him. “There is nothing like that going on.”

“Yet,” Shade murmured.
