Page 97 of Wrath

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Still glaring at Wrath, Coal licked the blood. “Seems good.” He glowered at Wrath. “I don’t like you. You make me twitchy.”

“I don’t like you either.” Wrath’s voice sounded like boulders grinding together. “Pride scum always makes me want to bite heads off.”

Eddie tensed.

But Coal didn’t seem to find anything wrong with the possibility of losing his head to Wrath’s enormous gnashers and jerked his head. “I’ll be watching you.”

“Mmmh.” Sophia glided closer to Coal and stroked her fingers over his cheek. “I like being watched.” She licked her full, sensuous mouth. “Maybe you bring a friend later, and you can all watch if you like.”

Coal lurched back. “Get off me.” He snarled. “Fucking succubus. Don’t try your tricks here.”

“Or what,” Sophia purred. “You’ll spank me?” She giggled. “I enjoy a good spanking.”

“Get in there and shut up.” Coal shoved her through the narrow doorway.

Shade sidled closer to him. “Maybe?—”

“Fuck off.” Coal pushed Shade after Sophia.

Inside, demons filled a large, open space, and the combined smell assaulted Eddie’s sensitive nose. Wrath led the way, shouldering other demons out of their path. A few turned around and snarled or snapped, but one look at the size of him, and they grudgingly gave way. They couldn’t risk much conversation in such a confined space, so Eddie concentrated on looking around.

The array of demon shapes and sizes was dizzying. Some of her worst nightmares seemed to drift around the space. There was everything from the almost humanoid to the barely there mist variety of demon. She struggled not to stare.

Sophia was given a wide berth. Demons seemed united in their dislike of succubae. Eddie wanted to know why and added it to her mental tally of questions when they got out of here.

Wrath and Shade kept very close to her. Not allowing any other demon to get between her and them. Dee and Daniel stuck to Sophia, both of them taking things in like Eddie was.

The atmosphere in the room shifted, and a hush fell over the demons.

Eddie felt a power signature prickle over her skin, and she glanced at Shade.

He gave her a barely susceptible nod. Something was going down.

Coal stepped to the front of the room and mounted a small, raised platform. “Shut the fuck up,” he shouted.

Silence followed.

Movement rippled from the back of the room. Eddie craned her neck to see what was happening and made eye contact with Ashe. This time there was no mistake. It was really him. Her heart leapt into her throat, and sweat broke out all over her.

Wrath growled and Shade tensed.

There were a lot of demons between them and the door if Ashe recognized her.

But Ashe made his way to the front of the room as demons parted for him. He passed close enough to Eddie for her to touch him, and she shrunk back against Shade.

He put a hand on her hip, warm and reassuring.

Power prickled and snapped from Wrath, turning his skin a darker shade of blue. Other demons started murmuring and side eyeing him.

Sophia wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her body to him, and whispered in his ear.

He took a deep breath, and the power subsided to a manageable level. Between them, Shade, Wrath, and Sophia could level this gathering, but then they’d be working as blind as they were now. Information was what they needed most.

Coal bowed low to Ashe and gave up the platform.

All eyes turned to Ashe. Eddie could almost taste the excitement in the room.

“Pride is ours,” Ashe said. He didn’t raise his voice, but it carried to the corners of the silent space.
