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“Warrose!” Dessin barks over my head. “What can we do?!”

In two side steps, Warrose is by our side, looking uncharacteristically dumbfounded.

“Dralutherans are fucking rare. They haven’t been spotted in over a century. I don’t even know where Vexamen could have found one, much less capture it!”

This can’t be happening. No. There is always a way. Dessin can always find a way.

“Weaknesses?” I choke out, watching the horror show while wincing, yet unable to turn away and spare myself the violent images.

“Not any that have been recorded. They usually are isolated and never enter combat. So no one has ever really gotten the chance to study them.” Warrose pauses, giving his whipping arm a break as a flood of the Nightamous Horde swarms the area around us.

“But it’s the Dralutheran that killed the last dragon.” I turned to Dessin with balled fists and crazy eyes. “It defeated a dragon!”

“How do you know this?”

“The elven queen told me.”

“She did?” He looks both fascinated and skeptical. “Isn’t she…”

“Dead. Yes. But they’ve both been here fighting with us. The two warrior angels that came before.”

“Ask her Skylenna!” He shakes my shoulders after DaiSzek crashes into a bed of explosives.

“DaiSzek, get out of there!” I scream.

I’m not sure if he hears me or he realizes what he’s fallen into, but the brave RottWeilen leaps away from the stacks of ticking time bombs, barely missing the destruction as it booms toward the sky.

As he shakes himself off, releasing a cloud of ash from his fur, a unit of heavily armed soldiers surround him in a circle. Dessin and I both stiffen in shock at their brazenness of getting so close to him. Two long spears are thrown strategically from two separate angles, sticking into his back with the precision of an arrow. I jolt beside Dessin as DaiSzek howls to the misting sky.

“Hey!” I scream, gripping Dessin’s arm with my nails.

“Marilynn! Warrose!” Dessin orders them over without any context, yet we all know. Because the moment Marilynn stands to Dessin’s right side and Warrose to my left, we take off in a race of vengeance. Several members of the colony fall in line with us, but Dessin, being an avenging alter, doesn’t slow his pace. This is what he was made for. This is what he lives for.

With a final leap toward a soldier with his back to us, Dessin throws him backward, directly into my arms. And I act on the fumes of my temper, snapping his neck swiftly. We fight together as if it’s all choreographed. Selected moves and countermoves, lethal hits, and ways we maneuver our bodies to kill at an inhumanly fast rate. Bodies drop around us. All of this without the use of our swords. We decimate every soldier attacking DaiSzek with nothing but our bare hands.

After the path is cleared, I fumble over the bodies to DaiSzek, who is fighting to stand up with the spears poking out of his back and sides.

“I’ve got you, buddy!” I pant, throwing my arms toward him.

His cinnamon eyes flare wide at something above me, pupils dilating, his irises growing a fiery crimson once more. A shadow slithers over me, daunting and cold. But before I can rotate to fight the beast I know is creeping up behind me, DaiSzek hurtles himself over my head with every ounce of energy he can muster and lands on the arm of the Dralutheran! His growls and snarls are warped and messy, muffled by his efforts to rip into the creature’s indestructible skin.

I scream something incoherent as the scaly creature rakes his claws into the side of DaiSzek’s tummy, spraying his hot blood above us like a sputtering shower.

“Let him go!” I cry, observing our archers and best swordsmen attempting to take the monster down. But DaiSzek is thrown as if he weighs nothing more than a sack of flour. Air puffs from his lungs as he lands on the hard ground with a thud.

Dessin jumps in front of DaiSzek, covering his core by making his body a human shield. The monster screeches at the back of Dessin’s neck, warning him that it will kill anyone to get to DaiSzek. It lifts his crocodile foot, hovering it over Dessin in an attempt to squash him.

And I’m running in a frenzy toward them.

I’m going to lose them both! I’m going to lose them both!

With a violent jerking of DaiSzek’s leg, he kicks Dessin in the stomach like a horse, launching him away from the Dralutheran’s foot. The sound that follows is deafening. A stomping of that scaly foot over DaiSzek’s leg. Quick. Sharp. A wet crack! And my mountainous boy lies there, yelping like a puppy in agony as his leg is broken.

Dessin howls against the symphony of war around us. Because the pain of this beautiful boy detonates through our souls, feasting on our organs, blistering our hearts. And I can’t breathe. Can’t move. Can’t do anything other than grasp at my chest to keep my heart from tumbling to the ground in pieces.

Knightingale, help him! Oh god! Please help him!

“I can’t lose my boy!” I’m bawling as I scream into the void, both real and in my mind.
