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She sighs, and it almost looks like her eyes are glossing over with tears.

“I fucked up.”

“I know.”

“I thought that I’d be able to swim fast, help Skylenna before the oil could mess with my head. I-I messed up, Warrose.” Her voice is a shell of a whisper, weak, gentle. Filled with embarrassment.

I don’t say anything. But my arms pull her closer to my chest, hugging her in my only form of comfort.

“I shouldn’t be here,” she sniffles, tightening her grip around my wrists.

“I’m dead weight for the group. I’m going to get someone killed. I’m usel—”

“Don’t finish that statement,” I growl.

“It’s true.”

Fuck, she’s trying so hard not to cry. The knot in her throat thickens, straining her words.

“Look how much you’ve helped. We’d be sitting ducks without someone to translate. We wouldn’t have gotten that bowl of soup from Kaspias without you.”

The pool of oil sloshes around us in waves, slapping upward against the backs of our heads, splashing over our chins.

“You want to know what the audience thinks?” she asks me with a mocking tone.

Not even a little bit.

“They’re yelling at me to join the higher-ranking officers in private rooms. It’s the only way a female inmate can escape the Fun House Nights. By servicing a commander with our bodies…”

I spit out a trickle of oil that slips past my lips. “Fuck that idea right up the ass.”

“Maybe I should take the offer. That way, none of you have to worry about keeping me alive.” She says it like it’s an option, but I know the notion is making her cringe.

A slow, creeping rage blisters under my skin.

“I could—”

“Ruth, my little rebel, if you offer another horrible fucking idea while we’re in here, I’m going to drown myself.” But the damage is done. I can’t get the goddamned image out of my mind. Ruth (wearing her pathetic excuse for a uniform) in a private room, with wild Vexamen soldiers. No. Fuck no. Christ, why would she think that’s any better than this? I’d rather save her ass here than imagine her small, delicate frame under a demented member of this country’s armed forces.

“You’re growling,” she comments.

Am I? My chest expands as I take a steadying breath.

A man next to us howls like a dog, sobbing as his eyes gaze vacantly at the ceiling. The crowd rumbles, stomps, waves their arms in the stadium at something the announcer says.

“Please keep that thought as far away from your brain and mouth as it can get, okay?” I try not to sound too demanding. But if I come across as a dick? So be it. She’ll never make good on that dumb ass suggestion.

“You’re not the boss of me.”

I roll my eyes as her body shifts backward, and before I can adjust, her ass is pressed firmly to my groin. My teeth grind to the point of pain.

“Aren’t I, though? It’ll do you some good to have someone tell you what to do,” I whisper in her ear. My cock throbs as she shivers against me.

“Should I call you daddy, too?”

Heat, blood, and energy completely abandon my brain to rush to my crotch. What the fuck is happening? Did that turn me on? Yes. Fuck, it really did.

“You can.” The words are sticky in my throat. We’re in front of a stadium filled with sadistic monsters, and I’m sporting a hard-on at the word Daddy.
