Page 125 of Of Faith & Flame

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With the death of the Drengr Alpha, Evelyn also feared conflict with the vampyrs was only getting worse. Unease traveled up her spine but resolve tightened her muscles. It was good they would travel back to her homeland, but it would not be easy.

Evelyn had her flame. With or without, she would fight the vampyr alongside Kade, whom she loved.


His kisses. His amber eyes. The sadness he carried now because of his father’s death. He needed her, Sorin needed her, and she was determined to let go of Callum, let go of her doubts, and push forward. For Kade. For her people. And most importantly, for herself. Doubt was darkness too, and she’d learned to defeat it. Whatever came next, she could face it.

The black painted brick building sat eerily between two townhomes, the print shop’s name swinging on its rusty hinges. Evelyn knocked, hoping to make this quick. Saying goodbye to Tovi would be difficult. She hadn’t seen her since Aster’s funeral, and they hadn’t had time to discuss everything that had happened. That Kade was her fated. That the White Lady had been the killer. With the rush of leaving to head back to their homeland, this goodbye wouldn’t be enough with her best friend.

Twisting her pendant necklace in her fingers, Evelyn imagined seeing her sisters. Even knowing Blair had given her time, she was still a bundle of nerves. But Kade was worth it, and believing in herself made it easier.

Evelyn shut her eyes, rallying her breath.

The door swung open, but Riven answered it. Evelyn’s shoulders slumped. She’d come to say goodbye to Tovi. She didn’t have time for Riven.

He smirked. “Miss Carson.”

He held the door open for her to come in, and Evelyn entered, heading to the parlor, and hoping to find Tovi. She found it empty, dark, and cold. The fire lay dormant. Black curtains covered the windows. Not a single sign Tovi was here. She really didn’t have time for this. The boat left in an hour.

“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Riven asked, hands in his pockets as he slunk his way back to his desk. He wore an ensemble of silk pants and a matching vest with an open tunic, baring his pale chest. “Can I offer you a glass of wine, perhaps?”

Evelyn shook her head. “I came to say goodbye to Tovi. Do you know where I could find her? I’m leaving Callum today.”

Riven looked up like a cat would when its prey moved. He stood, bracing himself over his desk. “Leaving?”

Evelyn’s instinct flared. Riven’s movements, his tone. Something was off about them. She took a hesitant step back, one tracked by Riven’s jade eyes.

Something flashed from the left near the back stairs, barreling into Riven. Dark hair, talons, fidgety movements.


Evelyn didn’t have time to think more on it as Riven and the vampyr tussled. Tovi’s brother had strength far more impressive than Evelyn realized. Why was the vampyr in the print shop? How had it gotten in here? And why was it attacking Riven again?

The vampyr threw Riven into his desk, and the wood splinted in the center on impact. Evelyn ignited her hands, flames flaring at her fingertips. She took a step closer, flicking her wrist and thrusting a shot of flame at the vampyr. It screeched, turning from Riven, setting its sights on her.

It widened its arms, a black inky substance traveling up its skin to its elbows. Evelyn breathed in her power, centered on her flame. She didn’t hesitate.

Evelyn unleashed her magic.

She thrust both her hands out and sent her flame at the vampyr. Power, heat, and flame flooded out from her. It was her, and she was it. Flame overtook the demon, eating away the darkness. Red and orange consumed black shadowy mists. The vampyr writhed, crumbling into itself like a dry, folded leaf until it became a burnt, black corpse, tucked into a ball in the center of the print shop.

Breathless but smiling with relief, Evelyn sprinted to Riven to check on him.

He lay turned away, and she gripped his shoulders to pull him upright—

Evelyn scrambled back, her heart thudding in her chest as she gasped. Riven’s eyes, spidery black veins rimming them, stared at her. His hands had transformed into inky black talons. His head tilted and he flashed an elongated fang.

Evelyn reignited her flame, a whoosh resounding at her sides as she stood. “You’re . . . you’re a vampyr.”

Evelyn’s head pounded with the hundreds of questions warring for attention in her confused brain. Had the vampyr bitten him weeks ago? Had he turned as a result with no one noticing?

Riven was a vampyr, though, and a threat. Evelyn held out her hand, flame dancing at her fingertips. “Don’t come any closer.”

She needed to get back to Kade or warn him that she needed him. Evelyn channeled their bond, reaching out in her mind.


She sent out his name as a call. It bounced back as if hitting a wall. Frustrated, Evelyn tried again. Maybe she wasn’t doing it right. She tried again, again, and again until a searing pain sliced through her head. Evelyn’s knees buckled, and she cried out. Fucking flames. Why couldn’t she get through to Kade?
