Page 13 of Of Faith & Flame

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He’d hit a nerve.

Evelyn’s eyes widened. She gritted her teeth, then sighed. “What’s the pay?” she asked Commissioner Doyle.

Money would be her deciding factor? No. Evelyn bluffed again, deflecting the real reason she’d decided to stay. A why swam in her eyes, a determined curiosity. She needed answers just as he did.

Commissioner Doyle made for the door, leading them out of the room with the dead body. “Captain’s pay, if that’ll suit you. I pay by coin every week.”

Evelyn nodded. “I’ll start first thing.”

“We will start first thing,” Kade corrected.

Evelyn scoffed. “I don’t recall agreeing to work with you, Huntsman.”

Her rejection bit, but Kade brushed it off.

“I don’t care if you work as a team or solo. Find the vampyr. And kill it,” Commissioner Doyle said.

Evelyn left, walking from the building and out of Kade’s sight in three long strides. He caught up to her, following her down the street.

“It would be better if we worked together,” he said, his tone far too desperate for his liking.

“Not going to happen.” She continued walking, not even sparing him a glance.

Stars above. Kade struggled to rein in his anger and frustration. “Our chances—”

She stopped and swiveled to face him. For a witch with flame, her eyes could freeze the world solid. “I work better alone. Trust me. Stay out of my way, and I’ll stay out of yours.”

Evelyn blended into the growing crowd, becoming lost in the busy market. Kade tried to follow, pushing aside the townsfolk. Quick, light on her feet, she danced like flames out of his sight.

Kade stopped. He didn’t like Evelyn gone yet again, but she’d stay to find the vampyr.

They were bound to cross paths soon enough.

Chapter Six


Usually, those who are scared run.

Fucking flames, the huntsman’s words had reminded her far too much of running from her duty two years ago, but she hadn’t run out of fear. She’d run because she wasn’t good enough to defeat the vampyr. She had no flame.

He didn’t need to know that, but she in no way could allow him or Commissioner Doyle to believe she was frightened. The word enraged Evelyn and her magic. It had risen to the surface, itching below her skin. She’d remained calm, considering her options.

She’d meant to leave Callum, move on to the next place. Staying was risky, but even though McKenna’s body wouldn’t turn, a vampyr had killed her and could still be in Callum. No, she didn’t have her flame, but this was different than facing the threat of vampyrs or the Void’s darkness back home. With the resolve of her urge to protect, Evelyn could handle one vampyr. She still had her innate magic and two decades of training behind her. She’d figure out how to kill it the old-fashioned way, severing its head and burning the body.

Evelyn sighed, anxious thoughts tumbling through her. McKenna’s missing eyes and the intimate area of the bite. And she still wanted to keep her identity as a witch hidden. She’d have to be tactful, secretive with her investigation, work alone. And the reason she’d said no to the huntsman...She couldn’t afford him learning she was a witch.

At the thought of him, her heart quickened.

Goddess, she hadn’t noticed the opposite sex since she’d gone on the run. Not to mention, she was betrothed to a werewolf an ocean away.

Evelyn shook away thoughts of the huntsman and sighed again. She stopped at the edge of the docks, the greasy scent of Finn’s Fish Fry teasing her with the promise of a salty and vinegary snack. After buying herself a large order and taking a seat on the rock wall overlooking the sea, Evelyn sent out her magic to Maxie, calling her back.

Thankfully, storm season brewed on the horizon. Dark clouds, like puffed mountains, flashed with lightning in the distance. Wind, fierce and cold, blew off the waves. Ships at the docks appeared abandoned, not a soul on them and sails gone. For ten weeks, Evelyn could be assured no whispers of the vampyr would make it across the Sapphire Sea to Sorin.

Enough time to find the vampyr, kill it, and move on from Callum.

By the time Evelyn finished her salty, meaty snack, fingers greased and belly full, Maxie appeared and scurried up the docks. Her familiar rubbed up against her legs, Maxie’s purr vibrating through her. She jumped up onto the wall, pacing over Evelyn’s lap and meowing nonstop.
