Page 95 of Of Faith & Flame

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Evelyn had been so consumed with learning Cyrus’s true identity as Kade, she’d almost forgotten the murders. Frustration gripped her. She’d saved Tessa, but another young woman had taken her place. The killer she fought against was relentless. Whatever their plan was, Evelyn needed to figure it out soon, before a fourth and final murder happened.

“Where were her body and horse found?” Evelyn asked.

“Just over the hills of Callum, near the cliffs,” Commissioner Doyle said.

They talked further of clues and findings until there was nothing else to discuss and the commissioner left. In a matter of minutes, Evelyn made her mind up. She put out a bowl of milk for Maxie, then grabbed her traveling cloak and boots.

“What are you doing?” Aster asked.

“Going to investigate where they found Sheila’s body,” she said.

“Wait, don’t you think you should tell Kade about this first?” Tovi asked.

“No,” Evelyn said, final and flat.

Aster rushed from her chair, following Evelyn as she gathered her clothes. “Evelyn, hold on, wait a second.”

“I agree with Aster, let’s let our emotions settle,” Tovi said.

Evelyn whirled. “The vampyr or killer isn’t waiting. They have a plan, which they seem fairly intent on following through with.”

Goddess, Sheila’s death felt like another failure. If she hadn’t been so caught up in her feelings with a huntsman, who wasn’t even a huntsman, she could’ve put a stop to this.

“Evelyn,” Tovi said, biting her lip. “I think you need to consider telling Kade. He will want to help.”

“I have no idea if he is still in Callum. There’s no time,” she said, knowing her words were bullshit.

She didn’t want to face him. She wanted to solve this murder on her own, fix her shortcomings, prove her worth.

“Well, he’s definitely still in Callum,” Aster said, teetering foot to foot.

Evelyn pretended not to care, pulling on her boots and lacing them up. She made for the door, but Tovi stood in front of it, arms crossed.

“Don’t be stubborn, Evelyn,” she said. “I know you don’t want to see him, but you can’t go out there alone.”

Evelyn seethed, gritting her teeth. She hated to admit it, but Tovi was right. They’d faced the rats at Castle Connacht, a kelpie at Lake Glenn, and the Far Darrig in the Gray Wood. Who knew what she might face at the cliffs. She may not have her flame, but she did have sense.

Evelyn sighed. If she went out there alone, it would be foolish. She’d put herself and perhaps others in danger, and Evelyn’s protective instinct, her years of training, warred against the idea. She didn’t fear facing the threats alone, even without her flame. What she feared was facing Kade and his judgment.

Yet did it really matter what he thought? Fated aside, Evelyn was a protector and she’d signed up to solve these murders. She’d even agreed to the job when she hadn’t had her flame. She didn’t fear the mission—she worried about facing the truth with him. But she couldn’t let that get in the way of finding the vampyr, not when more young women were being killed. When it came to the prophecy or her duty, she didn’t know what to do. Not about Kade. Not about her future. Not about her next destination—whether to keep running or return home.

As she shut her eyes and fisted her hands so tightly she felt her nails digging into her palms, Evelyn grasped the one thing she did know.

She protected others.

She would solve these murders, find the vampyr.

Even if she had to face Kade and manage her broken heart.

“Fine,” she finally said. “Do you know where I can find him?”

Chapter Forty-Three


Kade sat, eating his soup as Miss Patricia scowled at him. She reminded him of his mother when she was cross and disappointed. Unlike those times, Kade was too tired to argue. He only thought of Evelyn, wondering what she’d do, wondering what he should do.

“How long have you known?” Kade asked.
