Page 6 of RAPTOR Rising

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A quick glance back and she received a thumbs up from her team, smiles on their faces in new anticipation for the future.

As soon as Gavin turned the plane and headed down the runway, she lay her head back and took a deep breath. She should have done this sooner, but then they wouldn't have been here for these kids. Things always worked the way they were supposed to.

The plane left the ground and shook a bit; it wouldn't be long and these kids would be in the arms of their parents.

After a few moments Gavin's voice sounded over the speaker system, "You can use your phones now. We'll be in the air for about four hours, we'll have to refuel and continue on. Our total trip will be close to twenty hours. Mr. Vickers has made arrangements for us to spend the night in Zhigansk, Russia, which is halfway."

Emersyn pulled her phone from her pocket and texted Dildo. "You can find your Humvee and all of our gear in it three miles from the base camp you were so eager to leave these kids at."

She tapped send, then texted her dad.

"I've decided to start my own company similar to GHOST. I'm your daughter through and through dad, I can do this better. I can build a team that will be sought after and revered. We won't leave kids behind and we won't take dark money. But, I need assistance doing it. I'm on my way to Indiana now with three kids we rescued in Indonesia. Won't be there until late tomorrow. When can we talk?"

Sending that text off she lay her head back and tried practicing some of her meditation to ease the pain in her hip. Stretching out tonight on a bed would help but that would be a few hours yet.

"Hey." Charly's voice sounded next to her. Sitting beside her, Charly pulled a bottle of Aleve from her pocket. "Need one?"

"Yeah." Charly handed her the bottle; Emmy opened it up and dropped a pill in her hand. Charly took the bottle back, then stood and walked to a small refrigerator in the front of the plane and pulled water out for everyone. Uncle Gaige thought of everything.

Handing her a bottle of water, Charly winked, then made sure everyone who wanted one had a water. The kids were dehydrated and needed food but that would have to wait until they refueled. They could likely get something at the airport fueling station. It might be from a vending machine, but it would be something.

Emmy's phone vibrated and she opened her eyes to see a text from her dad.

"Just spoke to Gaige. We'll be waiting for you to arrive in Lynyrd Station. We'll talk then. In the meantime, Gaige and I will run some numbers and come up with a short-term plan. I'm proud as hell of you Emmy girl. Dad."

She smiled as she lay her head back and closed her eyes. She was proud of herself, and that had been a long time coming.
