Page 14 of Braking for Daddy

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Brunch was a mixed bag of emotions.

Without the liquid courage, Max was a bit more reserved than the night before. But after our mutual shower session, he also had a certain level of openness with me that I was happy to receive.

We kept the topics light while we were eating, but there were still some things we needed to discuss before taking things to the next level. “How about we take a walk through the park?”

“I’d love to. The baby ducks are out right now, and they’re so cute.”

I reached for his hand and was happy when he immediately intertwined our fingers and tucked even closer to my side. “Not as cute as you, sweet boy.” Because it had been too long, I leaned down and kissed his temple.

“Are you always this smooth?” Max rested his head on my shoulder briefly then straightened up into a more comfortable walking position. “Because you’re making it really hard for me to try to play it cool.”

Was that what he’d been trying to do? I barked out a laugh. “This is you being cool?”

Max laughed too. “Okay, fair. But I feel like this is all too easy. You’re too…perfect. Shouldn’t we disagree on stuff or, I don’t know, not like everything exactly the same?”

“Well, when people aren’t compatible, they usually disagree and don’t like all the same things. So I’m taking our easy companionship as a sign of compatibility.” I pulled his hand up to my mouth and kissed it. “So far, I like everything about you, except…”

He stiffened and looked up at me with a frown. “Except what?”

“You’re a little too trusting, for one. That comment about leaving the front door unlocked while you were in the shower almost gave me a heart attack.”

Max laughed and shook his head. “Seriously? My neighborhood is fine. I leave the door unlocked all the time. Sometimes, I just forget that kinda stuff.”

My jaw clenched, and I had to take a deep breath and blow it out slowly to keep my tone in check. “Please don’t do that again, Max.” I stopped and waited for him to look up at me so he knew I wasn’t kidding. “Promise me.”

“I promise, but really, it’s fine.”

At least he seemed amused by me instead of afraid. That was probably a good thing. As long as he didn’t mistake that amusement for something he could disregard. I was deadly serious. “Your personal security is probably going to have to be one of our number one rules.”

“Rules?” He looked over at me with a half grin. “Now it’s getting good.”

This boy. “Oh yeah? Are there some rules you have in mind already?”

“Not really, but I would be okay with…” He shrugged and looked straight ahead as we continued to walk. “Maybe something like not being allowed to touch myself without permission or having to check in with you.” He quickly looked over at me. “Is that weird?”

My thickening cock didn’t think it was weird at all. “No, sunshine. I promise I won’t think anything you need or want is weird. Even if there are some things we compromise on, I want you to ask for everything that comes to mind. That’s another rule.”

“Okay.” He glanced over at me again. “What about you? What rules do you usually like for your boys?”

I could sense that he was asking more than what his words conveyed, so I decided to give him the long answer to that question. “I might have mentioned this last night, but I haven’t really had any serious relationships in the past. I’ve had a few dates.” I shrugged as I considered how to word what I wanted to say. “A few scenes, I guess, with boys over the past few years, but nothing monogamous.”

Max’s fingers tightened around mine, and he sucked in a breath. “What are your thoughts on monogamy?”

“I like it. I want it.” My grip pulsed around his hand to bring his attention fully to me. “I’m looking for a boy who will be mine one hundred percent of the time. How do you feel about that?”

He nodded his head vigorously. “Yeah, that’s what I want too. I mean, I might be okay trying out a threesome someday, but only if that’s what you want…and only if we were in a really solid place.”

“Agreed.” I’d been invited into threesomes with friends in the past, mostly as a dash of spice to their committed relationships. As the guest, it was fun and interesting to participate in a scene like that with a couple. But I imagined it would be hard to be on the other side, watching my lover with another man. “I’m not opposed to the idea, someday, and I appreciate that you were honest with me about being up for the possibility, and that you want to wait until we’re in the right place to consider that.” If we ever were. “Speaking of monogamy, are you comfortable going without condoms if we both get tested?”

His breath hitched, and I worried I’d crossed a line. Just because we had a little video sex in the morning didn’t mean he was ready to go bare with me. But by the way Max’s eyes lit up, I had a feeling he was right there with me. “Yes, totally. I can get tested…today, maybe. There’s a clinic nearby that is open on the weekend.”

“I appreciate your enthusiasm.” I leaned down and kissed his mouth. Damn, he tasted good.

Was that our first kiss? It felt like we’d experienced so much in the past twenty-four hours, but most of it had been while Max was drunk off his ass or when we were on the phone. Nothing physical had happened beyond an occasional peck until now.

Even though we were in the middle of a well-trafficked park on Saturday afternoon, Max didn’t hesitate at all to wrap his arms around my neck and force his tongue into my mouth, pouring so much of the chemistry between us into me through his soft pants and aggressive swipes of his tongue.
