Page 18 of Captivated

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As much as she hated it, she’d gotten used to sleeping next to the asshole. So even though he wasn’t in the bed next to her, his scent was enough for her to get a restful night of sleep.

It was during the waking hours that she couldn’t get any peace. As many runs as Trigger had been on when she’d been with the Ravens, none bothered her more than this one. It was the first time she’d been consumed with thoughts of his safety, so she found things to keep her busy throughout the day so that she was exhausted by the time she fell into his bed at night and had no choice but to sleep.

As she wiped non-existent specks of dirt away, she ignored the sounds of the usual clubhouse hustle and bustle unable to get her thoughts off Trigger. She’s always admired his dedication to the club, the way he put everything on the line for his brothers and the club. His commanding presence and quiet strength had drawn her attention from the beginning. But as she watched the minutes tick by, she realized that her feelings for him ran deeper than she had ever acknowledged.

A sigh escaped her lips as she turned and leaned against the counter she’d just spent an insane amount of time cleaning for no reason. Her heart felt heavy with an emotion she couldn't quite describe. She had never been one to shy away from her feelings, but this was different—a vulnerability she hadn’t anticipated.

She looked up as Blue walked in. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you.”

Harley grinned. “You found me.”

“You don’t get to be a smart ass when you’ve been hiding from me,” Blue retorted.

Harley tried to hide her grimace as she picked up the towel she’d been cleaning with.

“Uh-uh,” Blue grumbled as she walked over and snatched the damp cloth away from her. “What’s up with you? You’ve been acting weird lately.”

Harley rolled her eyes. “I always am.”

“True,” Blue agreed. “But even this is a new level of strangeness for you. What gives?”

Harley glanced at Blue, her expression a mixture of longing and uncertainty. “Just thinking about Trigger.”

Blue raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. “You’ve got that look. The ‘I’m thinking about someone special’ look.”

Harley rolled her eyes, her cheeks flushing slightly. “You’re imagining things.”

Blue laughed softly. “You can’t fool me, Harley. I’ve seen how you’ve looked at him this past week.”

Harley sighed, her gaze returning to the entrance of the compound. “Blame that on my hormones. He suckered me in at a time when I was weak.”

Blue stared at Harley silently until she caved.

“Okay, maybe it isn’t just my hormones.”

Blue nudged her playfully. “Well, you’re not alone. You know Trigger is crazy about you.”

“He’s insane,” Harley mumbled.

“No more than Stone and Rock and look how that’s working out for me.”

Harley shook her head. “I can’t do it. Whenever I even think it’s possible, I automatically think about Ice. I just can’t allow myself to go there.”

“How do they compare?” Blue asked.

The question caught Harley off guard. “What do you mean?”

“Let’s start with something simple. How do you feel around Ice versus Trigger?”

“Probably not a good comparison to start with as I feel anxious around both of them.”

“For the same reason?” Blue asked with an expression that showed she already knew the answer.

But before she could reply, the sound of motorcycles approaching drew Harley’s attention. Her heartbeat quickened as she recognized the familiar roar of engines. Trigger was returning from his supply run.

She looked over at Blue who smiled knowingly. “Come on. Let’s go greet them.”

Harley’s feet moved faster than she would ever admit as she walked through the clubhouse. Just as made her way through the front door, Trigger parked his ride with practiced ease and dismounted, his hazel eyes scanning the area before landing on Harley.
