Page 20 of Captivated

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Even as she agreed, her heartbeat began to race with nervousness.

“I have something for you,” he stated.

He reached into a pocket of his cut and pulled out a jewelry box. Instinctively, she took a step back.

“No,” she whispered.

Ignoring her, he flipped the lid on the box to reveal a pair of blue and white skull earrings. Shaking her head, she refused to accept them.

“I can’t accept those,” she mumbled.

She knew what they were and what it meant. Harley’s heart pounded in her chest, her emotions swirling like a storm. This was the moment she had been both dreading and hoping for.

On one hand, the gift represented how strongly he cared about her. On the other hand, it meant he had no intent to let her go, whether she wanted him to or not. That frightened her more than anything. If she accepted the gift, it would be an official signal to everyone that she was his. While it wouldn’t give her old lady status, it would come damn close.

Trigger’s fingers brushed against hers, sending a jolt of electricity through her veins as he pressed the box into her hand. “Yes, you can.”

Tears welled up in Harley’s eyes, her heart swelling with joy and uncertainty. She reached out, her fingers intertwining with his, her voice soft but filled with sincerity. “Do they have a tracker?”

“Yes,” he admitted. “It’s your choice if you wear them or not, but if you do, I will be able to find you no matter where you are.”

“I guess I should be happy that you aren’t trying to hide it,” she joked as she studied the earrings for several minutes. “Do all of the old ladies have trackers?”

“Yes,” he confirmed. “They all know. The only one who didn’t know when she received hers was Blue.”

His truthfulness reassured her and worried her at the same time. He wasn’t being deceptive, yet his honesty about something so possessive frightened her.

“I don’t want to fuck this up, Trigger. Right now, it feels nice. I don’t want to put labels on this. I feel like it might jinx things.”

One corner of Trigger’s curved upward. “Harley, the only person in denial about you being my old lady is you. Bets are going about how long it will take you to admit it and if you will try to shoot me with my gun before you do.”

She rolled her eyes. “Assholes.”

He chuckled. “Yes, we are, but we’re good ones. Keep the earrings. When you’re ready, put them on.”

Harley looked at the gift for several minutes before handing the box to Trigger. “Hold this.”

He did as she asked, and before she could second guess herself, she picked up the first skull, removed the fastener, and put it through her ear. Once they were both in place, she looked at Trigger, who grinned broadly.


She nodded. “Yeah.”
