Page 24 of Captivated

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Chapter 10

Harley stared into the distance as the coffee beside her was getting cold. Her thoughts were far from the caffeine jolt she usually needed to start the day. Instead, her mind was consumed by a persistent tug of war between her emotions and her convictions.

Harley had prided herself on the discipline and focus she’d exhibited over the past several months. Something that had been missing from her life until she found a haven with the Ravens. As a woman who had carved a small space for herself in a male-dominated world, she was used to putting up walls and suppressing any hint of vulnerability. Yet, one person had breached those defenses—the infuriatingly attractive and enigmatic Trigger.

She had been fighting an attraction she hadn’t anticipated. From the moment she had laid eyes on him, there had been a spark—an inexplicable connection that she was desperate to deny. After all, he was everything she was supposed to avoid—reckless, unpredictable, and, worst of all, a constant reminder of her vulnerability.

Harley had convinced herself that the best action was to distance herself from Trigger. She had buried her feelings deep within, determined to focus on her work and keep her emotions in check. But as she stood outside his home, her resolve wavered, wearing the earrings he’d given her.

She’d snuck out of bed about thirty minutes ago. There was no doubt in her mind that he’d awakened the second she was no longer beside him, but it was as if he sensed that she needed some space after the intense night they’d shared. She’d lost track of the number of times he’d pushed her headfirst into full-body convulsing orgasms, but it didn’t matter. No one else had ever been able to do it. It was getting more challenging by the minute to deny the pull she felt towards him.

Even when she’d put the jewelry he’d given her on last night, she hadn’t known how much of a difference it would make. But this morning, she was starting to grasp the significance of what it meant.

As if she’d summoned him with her thoughts, the backdoor opened, and her heart began to race, her nerves jumbling with conflicting emotions. Looking over her shoulder, she spotted him in the doorway. His rugged features were softened by the natural light of the sun rising for the day.His smoldering eyes seemed to strip away her carefully constructed façade, leaving her vulnerable and exposed in their wake.

Trigger, the epitome of the charming yet enigmatic bad boy, exuded an aura of danger that intrigued and unnerved her. Still, she couldn’t deny the inexplicable pull towards him that she couldn't deny.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. “Had enough time alone with your thoughts?”

The corners of her mouth twitched as he jumped straight to the point in his characteristic way. But she had to keep her defenses firmly in place. “Yeah, but we probably need to talk.”

“Figured you would say that,” he replied. “I’m going to grab a cup of coffee. You want a refill?”

She shook her head, and he turned on his heels. Her gaze was immediately drawn to the double skulls covering his back. She’d finally discovered where his traditional Raven’s tattoo was after he’d dragged her back to his place to take care of her.

Harley was sure he had the most prominent club tattoo, and for a man like Trigger, it made perfect sense. As the club's enforcer, he had to put his body on the line in ways others probably didn’t have to consider.

It also wasn’t the only ink he had. Twelve tattoos had been etched into his skin. The most prominent being the skulls on his back, the Kraken on his right arm, the atomic explosion on his left arm, the matching triangles of destruction on his lower abdomen, and the word boomerang across his chest stretching from one side of his collarbone to the other. All of them had a special meaning and were all part of him.

A few minutes later, he returned with a cup in his hand. He sat it down next to hers as he stopped.

“I forgot to do something earlier,” he stated before reaching out to grab the back of her neck. He leaned down and pressed his mouth to hers in a kiss that was both teasing and intense. The sensation was electric, a jolt of desire that left Harley breathless and hungry for more. His mouth moved against hers in a rhythm that mirrored the cadence of their heartbeats, a dance of tongues that spoke of shared longing and unspoken yearning.

Harley reached for him, her touch a mixture of desperation and surrender. His hand slid to the small of her back, pulling her impossibly closer until there was no space between them.

As the kiss deepened, their inhibitions crumbled, leaving only a raw and unfiltered connection that defied reason. Trigger’s lips trailed a path of fire down Harley’s jawline, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin of her neck. She gasped, her fingers tightening in his hair as a rush of pleasure coursed through her veins.

“Trigger,” she breathed, her voice a seductive plea that hung in the air.

He met her gaze with a mixture of hunger and tenderness, his fingers tracing the curve of her spine as if mapping every inch of her body. “Harley,” he replied, his voice a velvet promise that sent shivers down her spine.

Then he released her and sat down next to her.

“Look,” he began, his voice earnest, “I know things can get intense between us. But you can’t ignore the undeniable connection that we have.”

Harley's heart pounded in her chest, her defenses warring with the pull she felt toward him. “Trigger, you come from a world that has left a stain so dark on my soul that I’m not sure it will ever go away. It’s not as simple as a matter of attraction for me.”

He nodded, understanding in his gaze. “I get it. Nothing about the life I live is easy. It takes a strong person to be able to handle it. But you are mine. You were from the moment I laid eyes on you. I can’t let you go. I won’t.”

The emotions in his words struck a chord within her, resonating with the turmoil she had been feeling. She had been so focused on maintaining control that she had forgotten that sometimes, the most powerful emotions were the ones that defied logic.

Harley looked off into the distance and tried to collect her thoughts before she spoke. “I have no idea who my father is. My mother bounced from boyfriend to boyfriend. When they started paying attention to me, I left as fast as I could.” She paused as memories she’d tried hard to forget flooded her mind. “I struggled for years. Working whatever job I could land. Living with roommates, I didn’t know. Keeping the amount of things I owned low in value to keep them from getting stolen.”

She reached for her coffee and took a sip. It was barely lukewarm, but it served as the distraction she needed. “Five years ago, I ran into Ice at the bar I worked at. He reeled me in, and I didn’t stand a chance. At first, he laid the world at my feet. Whatever I wanted was mine. Then, he started to show his true colors. He became controlling, manipulative, and verbally and physically abusive. I won’t go into details because you saw me when I arrived.” Her voice trailed off, and she tried to figure out her next words. Then, she realized honesty was the best way to go. “Ice broke me. You would destroy me. I can’t let that happen.”

As difficult as it had been to say the words. Now that they were out, it felt free to open up and reveal pieces of herself she had long kept hidden. It was hard as hell to talk about her struggles, her fears, and the weight of expectations that she carried.

“Then there is Ice. The fear that I experience every day over the thought that he will discover I’m still alive and try to finish the job.” Harley hesitated. Her fingers brushed the rim of her coffee cup, her gaze fixed on the swirling liquid within. “I’ve been fighting this attraction between us. It scares me—I'm afraid of losing control. I can’t afford to be distracted.”
