Page 33 of Captivated

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“I’m there, too—come with me.’ He pulled her cheeks apart, grinding their hips together while his fingers probed deeper into her crease to stimulate more nerves.

She cried out, her orgasm wracking her entire body rigid, and he felt her spasms around his dick and against the tip of his finger.

He bucked up into her tight, clasping warmth a handful more times, joining her with a roar of release that surpassed any he’d ever experienced.

By the time speech was possible again, they’d been sprawled on the sofa in a naked tangle for several minutes. A furnace bubbled inside him, but he spied goose pimples on Harley’s arm, so he tugged the blanket from the back of the sofa over them. And even though he’d complained about the sofa being uncomfortable earlier, as his eyes drifted shut, he didn’t care that he was probably about to fall asleep on it again. He was right where he wanted to be.

Chapter 14

Harley slowly came awake as an unsettling sensation nudged at her subconscious—an itch of unease that pricked her senses. Her eyes fluttered open, heavy with sleep, and she tried to make sense of her surroundings in the dimly lit room.

Several of the clubs that the Ravens were building alliances with were at the compound tonight. In light of recent events with Ice, that meant she had to stay out of sight. It bothered her because, once again, her tormentor had inserted his brand of control over her life. On the other hand, she had a chance to spend the evening with her best friend, vegging out on junk food and watching a few movies until neither of them could keep their eyes open.

Wanting to be in Trigger’s bed when he returned from the gathering, she went back to his place. With Calamity and Jingles keeping watch, she’d felt safe—but not anymore. Something was wrong.

The room was cast in shadows, the silence oppressive and haunting. She blinked, trying to shake off the fog of sleep. Then, she noticed the chilling presence—the unmistakable feeling of being watched. Panic surged through her, and she tried to sit up, but a hand clamped firmly over her mouth, stifling her scream.

“Shhh, Harley,” a sinister voice hissed in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

Don’t make a sound, or I’ll hurt you.”

Harley’s heart pounded in her chest as she stared wide-eyed into the darkness. The hand over her mouth was cold and gloved, the touch sending shivers down her spine. She wanted to fight back, to call for help, but fear held her in its grip.

A masked face hovered above her, eyes gleaming with a vicious intensity. She felt the weight of his body pressing her into the bed, the cold metal of a blade pressing against her throat.

“Be a good girl and come with me,” he whispered, his breath hot against her skin. “Ice wants to have a word with you.”

Desperation surged within her, and she fought back with every ounce of strength she had. She bit down on the gloved hand that covered her mouth, tasting the metallic tang of blood as she struggled to break free. But the stalker's grip was unyielding, his strength unnatural.

With a sudden surge of energy, Harley kicked and thrashed, trying to free herself from his hold. She elbowed him in the ribs, landing a blow that sent a grunt of pain escaping from his lips. But he was quick to recover, pinning her down with a brutal force that stole her breath away.

“Stop fighting,” the stalker hissed, his voice laced with menace. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will.”

Tears welled in her eyes as she realized the gravity of her situation. She was trapped, defenseless, and the man who had terrorized her every thought was now closer to having her back in his grip. She tried to scream again, but the attackers’ gloved hand clamped down on her throat, cutting off her air supply.

Her vision began to blur as she gasped for breath, her struggles growing weaker by the second. Darkness surrounded her, and she knew she was losing the battle. Her mind raced, and she thought of Trigger, their love, and the desperate hope that he would find her in time.
