Page 35 of Captivated

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Silence was his only response, a haunting void that seemed to mock him. Trigger moved through the wreckage, heading straight to his bedroom, hoping to find some sign of her. But there was nothing—no trace of Harley.

His phone buzzed, and Trigger’s heart raced as he retrieved it from his pocket. The message that greeted him was chilling—an image of Harley, bound and gagged, her eyes filled with terror.

Rage surged through Trigger, a white-hot fire that threatened to consume him. He knew that this was a message from whomever Ice had kidnapped Harley, a sadistic taunt that left no doubt about Harley’s perilous situation. He would do anything to protect her, to bring her back to safety.

He made his way back downstairs, the expressions on his brother’s faces telling him that they already knew.

“We need to get Link. They’ve taken Harley.”

* * *

The air was thick with tension as Trigger brought his bike to a stop. For the first time that he could recall, the Ravens had broken rank as they rode. They’d allowed him to lead the way since it was his woman that they were on the way to rescue.

Either Ice was a complete idiot or too arrogant for his own good. Truth be told, it was probably both.

After realizing Harley was missing, Trigger asked Link to activate the locator in Harley’s earrings. While she might have protested receiving them as a gift, she hadn’t taken them off since he’d given them to her. While no one doubted that Harley was being delivered to Ice, the question had been to what location.

While they’d had at least a thirty-minute head start, they were surprised to see that locator pinged at an abandoned warehouse that the Ravens used on occasion just on the other side of town. That sort of boldness was asking for death, and Trigger had no problem dealing with it.

Even so, it had taken another thirty to round up enough backup that they could trust. It was obvious that they had a traitor in their midst. Someone had fed the Vipers enough information to fill them in on the perfect time to strike and where they could find Harley. Once he figured out who it was, they’d been on the receiving end of the same treatment that Ice was about to get.

His heart raced with a mix of fear and anger as he contemplated the task ahead. The woman he cared about, Harley, had been taken by a twisted asshole, and the time for talking had long passed. The only way to bring her back was to fight, to unleash the violence that always simmered beneath the surface.

Beside Trigger stood his brothers, united by a code of honor and fierce loyalty. The tension in the air was intense as they prepared for what would undoubtedly be a brutal confrontation.

The warehouse was shrouded in shadows, the light from the moon casting an eerie glow over the scene. They didn’t need it, though. This was their territory—an ugly reminder of the danger that had infiltrated their world. With a silent nod, Trigger signaled to his comrades, and they fanned out, surrounding the building.

The entrance was dark and foreboding, a gaping maw that seemed to swallow all hope. Trigger’s grip tightened on his gun, his knuckles white against the cold metal. He took a deep breath, his heart pounding with a mix of determination and anxiety. This was it—the moment of reckoning.

Without a word, Trigger kicked open the door, the hinges screeching in protest as they swung open. The room beyond was dimly lit, shadows dancing on the walls, and the stench of fear and desperation hung heavy in the air.

And there, in the center of the room, stood Ice—a man whose obsession had spiraled into madness. His eyes gleamed with a sickly intensity as he held Harley captive, a knife pressed against her throat. She looked pale and terrified, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and hope as she met Trigger’s gaze.

She appeared to be in one piece, but he could already see bruising on her face. Someone had hit her. He didn’t know if it was at the hands of Ice or the person who had taken her. Either way, they’d all signed their death warrant.

“Let her go,” Trigger’s voice was low and dangerous, his gaze locked onto the man who had taken the most precious thing in his life from him.

Ice’s laughter echoed through the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down Trigger’s spine. “Ah, you’ve come to play hero, I see.”

Trigger’s grip on his gun tightened, his fingers flexing as a surge of anger coursed through him. He took a step forward, his eyes never leaving Harley’s frightened form. “This ends now. Let her go, and I might let you walk out of here alive.”

Ice’s grin widened, his fingers tightening around the knife. “Oh, I don’t think so. She’s mine, you know. I’ve waited so long to get her back into my grasp.”

“Told you her pussy wasn’t worth it.”

Trigger’s attention was drawn to a dark corner. A second later, Piston appeared, his expression just as sinister as Ice’s. At least now he knew who one of the traitors was.

“I should have killed you when I had the chance,” Trigger muttered more to himself than anyone else.

Without warning, Piston raised his arm. Trigger beat him to the draw and fired off a shot before dodging for a cover pallet of wood. His thoughts automatically went to Harley. The last thing he’d wanted to do was involve her in the middle of a shootout.

He peered around the corner and spotted several people using whatever they could find for makeshift cover. Meeting the gazes of several Ravens, he communicated with a few hand gestures. They’d come up with a plan before leaving the clubhouse that he prayed would work.

Once he’d silently relayed the message to as many people as he could, Trigger counted to five before getting into position to make a run for Piston.

The second his cover fire sounded out, he was on his feet, running toward his target. Halfway there, Piston showed just how much of an idiot he was by raising his head. Trigger took the shot with deadly accuracy and kept moving until he was close enough to dive for another pallet.

Just as the shooting stopped, he was distracted by a cry of pain that he recognized as Harley’s. He peered around the barrier and spotted Ice using her as a barrier.
