Page 8 of Captivated

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Chapter 4

“Harley, can I have a word?”

Harley squeezed her eyes shut and pressed her lips together to keep the profanity threatening to spew out from doing so. The man she’d nearly become a magician to avoid had finally cornered her.

Still, she continued to wipe down the bar. It was a ritual she and Blue had started upon discovering no one else had done it in what had appeared to be a long time. While it was necessary, it was also therapeutic to her.

A memo that Trigger hadn’t received; otherwise, he wouldn’t be standing behind her risking his life.

“I’m a little busy right now,” she replied, proud of how sane and calm she sounded.

“I’m sure it can wait. Everyone knows that this bar is the cleanest it’s ever been since you and Blue started taking care of it. You also started early, so you’re almost finished.”

She paused in mid-wipe. “Stalking me, are you?”

Trigger chuckled to her dismay. “No. If I were stalking you, you’d never know.”

“So, I’ve heard,” she muttered. “However, as sexy as you think that’s supposed to be, it isn’t. Trying to keep tabs on me is the number one way to turn me off. I’ve had enough of that to last me a lifetime.”

“Why do you keep fighting the attraction between us?”

Every muscle in her body stiffened. He had no clue how explosive that question was. Or perhaps he did. She remained silent, giving the bar one last wipe before returning the towel to the bucket.

As expected, when she turned, the bar was empty. The few people she had finagled into helping her had disappeared like the cowards they were.

“It’s pretty arrogant of you to assume that I am interested in you,” she replied as she leaned against the counter she’d just cleaned and folded her arms across her chest.

“So you’re telling me that you haven’t fantasized about me? It’s not my name that you are calling out as you stroke your clit?”

She rolled her eyes before turning to pick up the bucket of dirty water left over from cleaning.

“If you need something to fuck other than your hand, there are plenty of willing women around here.”

Trigger appeared before she could step from behind the bar and yanked the bucket out of her hands. Water sloshed over the edge as he slammed it onto the counter.

“Is that supposed to scare me?” she asked.

Instead of responding, he crowded her. The first thing she noticed was how damn sexy he was. Trigger was on the slim side. A swimmer's build but more slender. His hair was cut close to his head with light sideburns trailed downward into a beard that fell between trim and slightly rugged. Even so, it didn’t disguise his chiseled cheekbones.
