Page 22 of Evidence of Truth

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They helped Anne pick up the cups and plate while discussing their plan.

“Danny, why don’t you start with Cheryl’s place? Anne and I will check out the school,” said Killian. “Let’s check-in”—he looked at his watch—“in an hour. Does that work?”

Danny nodded and left.

“Let’s go,” said Killian. They stepped out into the cool night air. The neighborhood was quiet except for the occasional dog barking.

He opened the passenger door to his truck for Anne and closed it when she got in. “Give me directions to the school,” Killian asked as he strapped himself in.

The trip to school took about ten minutes. Anne hadn’t said much more to him other than thanking him for helping. They approached the school. The only activity going on was at the corner gas station. Several cars were at the pumps. The lot was lit up like a Christmas tree.

Farther on, where the library and school were located, was dark, lit only by streetlights that cast shadows on the street. Killian parked in the school lot. As they got out of the truck, the only sound was the distant hum of traffic.

Anne stood quietly beside him as he scanned the perimeter. There was a stand of trees and bushes behind the school: dark tree trunks, clumps of bushes, and a small path leading into the darkened interior. Killian hoped Silas wasn’t in the woods. They would need help to find him in the overgrown bushes. It was getting cold, and he noticed Anne shivering. Killian took off his light jacket and put it around her shoulders. She smiled and thanked him.

“Silas!” Anne cried out. “Come on out, sweetheart.” They circled the school and library, occasionally calling out the boy’s name. No one answered. Killian rattled the wire fence. Nothing. It was too tall for a small boy to climb.

“He’s not here,” said Killian. He pulled out his phone and called Danny. “Anything?”

Danny had nothing.

“Let’s meet back at the house,” said Killian as he hung up. He looked over at Anne, who had tears in her eyes. She wiped them away quickly.

“We’ll check at the gas station first,” he said. “Although I’m not feeling optimistic.”

They walked over to the gas station. Anne checked the ladies’ room while Killian checked out the men’s room. Then he went inside and talked to the kid behind the register, but no luck. No one had seen the little boy.

Killian had a sour taste in his mouth. Where could one little five-year-old kid disappear to? He worried Silas was kidnapped, or worse, and angry that adults didn’t take responsibility for a child more seriously.

“Nothing?” asked Anne.

Killian shook his head. She let out a deep breath. They made several more loops around the neighborhood and the foster home. No Silas.

“I guess we should reconvene at the house.” Anne continued calling Silas’s name as she returned to the truck.

The drive back to Anne’s house was quiet. He heard little sniffles coming from her but decided not to mention it. Killian was despondent. This couldn’t be the way the search ended.

They got out of the truck and started up the path. Danny was parked in front. Killian turned to talk to Danny.

Killian thought he saw a slight movement out of the corner of his eye as they passed Anne’s car. When he looked over, he saw nothing.

The one thing he never ignored was a gut feeling. He walked over to the car and looked in the front seat. Nothing. Then he looked in the back seat. It was dark, and he couldn’t see much. He tried the handle.

“Anne, unlock your car,” he asked.

“Why? Is he in there?”

Killian put his fingers to his lips. “Shhh.”

Anne clicked her remote. Killian opened the back door, and a little head popped up.

“Silas!” Anne screamed.

Killian leaned down. “Hey little buddy, can I help you out?”

The little boy nodded and unfolded his body from the back seat. Killian opened his arms, and Silas went into them. He carried Silas into the house and set him down on the couch. Anne fussed over him, removing his backpack and patting his shoulders.

“Silas, this is Killian and Danny. They helped me look for you,” said Anne.

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