Page 25 of Evidence of Truth

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Killian assumed he was talking about finding Silas. “We were lucky,” he said. He took a swallow of coffee. “I wonder how long Silas would have waited before getting out of the car or before Anne spotted him in the back seat?”

“Kid’s got guts. I’m not sure I would have run away when I was that little,” said Danny. He thought for a moment. “Sam would have, though.”

“Sam would have what?” said a voice behind Killian.

“Nothing.” Danny looked over at his sister. “Anything good I say about you will just make your head swell.”

“Humph.” Sam walked past them, shaking her head. Danny gave Killian a big smile and walked to his desk.

What would having that kind of relationship with a sibling be like? He and Gina had seen too much to laugh about childhood. Besides, he always felt guilty he didn’t get her out of the house when he was older, but by then, his father had died. His mother withdrew from life, and he couldn’t leave her or Gina. What a fucked-up childhood.


Anne gathered up her purse and lesson plan for the next day.

The kids had left a little while ago, laughing and teasing each other. Silas was relaxing in a beanbag chair, reading.

“Time to leave, Silas.”

The little boy looked up from his book and held it up. “Can I bring this home?”

“Absolutely, but we have to return it tomorrow; it belongs to the school,” replied Anne. “Grab your backpack and let’s go. I know Luna is eager to see you.”

Silas’s eyes lit up. “Can we get her a toy?”

“Well…” Anne thought about it for a moment. “She has a lot of toys, but I bet she’d like one from you. We’ll stop at the pet store on our way home.”

“Yeah!” Silas put his arms into the backpack straps and followed Anne out. It was still pleasant out, but with the sun lower in the sky, it cast long shadows in the parking lot.

Anne glanced around the area as she opened the door to the back. There were a few people walking around—a couple of women pushing strollers and one kid bouncing a basketball.

However, the feeling she was being watched hadn’t gone away, but as before, she saw nothing out of the ordinary. Silas climbed and strapped himself into the car seat after removing his backpack. She checked the straps on the car seat. Good, they were ready to leave.

They stopped at the pet store and bought a teaser wand with a yellow bird at the end she knew her cat would love. Then, it was a fifteen-minute drive to her house. Silas chatted the entire way about cats and dogs and fish and guinea pigs. It was so cute. Anne loved his curiosity.

One left turn, and she pulled the car into her driveway. “We’re home!” She got out and helped Silas out, grabbing his backpack along with her things.

Silas jumped up and down, his little face full of joy. “Luna’s gonna love the bird we got her.”

Anne smiled as she opened the door. “Yes, she will. First up, let’s wash our hands and have a snack.”

They sat at the kitchen table, discussing the day and eating cheese and crackers. Silas sipped his juice. All the while, he was eyeing Luna, who was rubbing herself against the chair leg.

Finally, Anne relaxed. It was so good to have another person in the house, especially one with a lot of energy. Anne thought about some of the older teachers who were happy to go home and not hear any more noise. That wasn’t her. Energy kept you young and engaged.

Silas asked permission to leave the table. “Show Luna what you got her,” said Anne. For the next hour, she giggled until her stomach hurt. Luna was having a ball, playing with the new toy and with Silas. The little orange tabby with bluish-green eyes had caught her attention several years ago when she adopted the eight-week-old kitten from the animal shelter. It was love at first sight.

Anne leaned back in the chair and pulled out the lesson plan for the next day. After filling that out, it was dinnertime, bath time for Silas, and bed. She’d get to read or watch TV for a while, then turn the lights off and wake up to start the next day.

Life was good.


It would be nice to snuggle up with a man who made her heart sing. Anne hadn’t felt that closeness in years. For some unknown reason, she was attracted to Killian. He was kind to kids even though he said he didn’t like them. He was brave and strong and very sexy. Anne didn’t think he felt the same way about her though.

Although, with all the duds she was meeting, she might become the proverbial cat lady. She shrugged. It wasn’t the worst thing that could happen.

* * *
