Page 36 of Evidence of Truth

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“How’s she feeling?”

“She’s all right.” Sam frowned. “I think coming home was overwhelming. However, I didn’t review the security system with her and didn’t want to set it until she understood how it worked.”

Killian had a funny feeling about where this was going.

But it was okay. Showing Anne how the system worked was easy.

“Soooo, I’d like you to show her, give her the codes, explain how it all works, and stay there for two days.”

Whaaat? This was not what he was expecting. Sure, he could go over the system, but stay there? No and no.

He opened his mouth to say just that, but Sam raised her hands.

“I know this wasn’t what you were expecting to hear. I need you to go over the security with her. Unfortunately, I have to go out of town for a couple of days. Anne’s friends all work. Everyone here has a detail they need to be on except you.”

Crap. Crap. Crap. Well, he was the new guy, and this was how it went. New guy, crap jobs.

“Is Silas in school?”

“Yes. Marlee brought him there this morning. So now is the perfect time to update Anne and see if she needs anything.” Sam fiddled with some papers in front of her and then looked at Killian.

“I don’t need to remind you that the man who hurt Anne and tried to kidnap Silas is still out there. Phil couldn’t get a glimpse of him. He was after something in that house, and he didn’t mind hurting a woman and child. It may seem like scut work, but Anne is my friend, and I protect my friends, including everyone who works here and their families. Either we have each other’s backs, or we don’t.”

Killian felt a pang of guilt. This was the second time Sam reminded him they were in the security and protection business.

The job wasn’t all guns a-blazing, take down the bad guy. He should know better.

A big load of guilt shrouded his shoulders. What was wrong with him? When had he become so self-centered? If a man had offered to protect his mother and Gina, he would have made a shrine to the guy.

“I have no problem guarding Anne and Silas or anyone, for that matter.” He stood. “No one is touching them again. You can be sure about that.”

Sam gave him a small smile. “I’m not questioning your abilities or character. I just want to keep my friend and her son alive.” She leaned back in the chair, looked like she wanted to say something else but didn’t. Silence. Finally, she said, “Keep me posted, and Killian … thank you.”

He knocked on the table. “No problem.”

Killian exchanged pleasantries with several staff members as he walked out. He felt like he’d disappointed Sam. What was wrong with him? He never used to care what people thought. However, the one thing Sam never had to worry about was that Anne and Silas would be safe with him.

Besides, it was only a couple of days. What could happen? Anyone trying to hurt them would have to go through him. He wasn’t taking any prisoners.


Killian was on his way to Anne’s house. He tried to think of what he could do to keep himself busy while there. Anne would probably be resting, and Silas was in school. Killian groaned. It was going to be a long two days.

After pulling into her driveway, Killian walked around the house.

Anne kept landscaping to a minimum. She was smart. There were no bushes close to the house for someone to hide in. He walked around back. She had a nice flower and vegetable garden. The lawn was mowed. Killian made a mental note to ask who mowed the lawn.

She didn’t have a fenced-in yard. He’d mention that a fence would be helpful. It wouldn’t keep intruders out, but it might slow them down.

Inspection of the backyard complete, Killian walked back around.

He stood at the front door, contemplating whether to ring the bell or just walk in. Sam had given him a key, told him that the alarm was not set and that Anne would probably be resting.

After standing and staring at the door for a couple of minutes, he felt foolish. Decision made, Killian unlocked the door and walked in, softly calling Anne’s name so she wouldn’t be surprised.

No one was in the living room. He dropped a bag of groceries in the kitchen. Sam wasn’t sure what Anne had on hand so asked him to get some coffee, cold cuts, and bread.

After putting the cold cuts away, he made a pot of coffee, then checked the security cameras to ensure they were angled right.
