Page 64 of Evidence of Truth

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Killian wanted to grab to-go boxes, throw Anne over his shoulder and leave. His heart was racing.

They hadn’t had their main course or dessert yet, and he was ready to make love to her. Finally, the appetizer plates were removed and the main course was set in front of them.

There was a round metal cover over each that the servers pulled up with a flourish. The smokiness of the meat tickled his nose, and he couldn’t wait to try it.

His steak was huge and, when he cut into it, perfectly grilled. Anne’s fish, well, looked like fish, but she was enjoying it.

They talked about their day. Killian told her more about the security job. They talked about Silas and a little about the future.

He watched Anne break off a piece of her roll and delicately butter it. Bringing the roll to her lips, she took a small bite, licking her lips before placing it back on her plate. He followed her progress with his eyes. God, what he wouldn’t give to be that buttered roll.

Oh lordy. He had it bad.

A crumb clung to her upper lip, and Killian leaned over and gently brushed it away. Anne reached for his hand and gently kissed it. “Thank you.”

Anne finished the last bite of fish, put down her fork, and groaned. “That was delicious. I’ll probably never have it again, but I’ll remember this night.”

“My steak was perfect too.”

After removing their plates, the waiter brushed the table and handed them dessert menus. Killian was in shock. Who took out a small brush and dustpan and brushed the table? Apparently they did.

The chef had come over to speak with them while they were eating, and Anne was duly impressed. He needed to remember to thank Laura when he saw her next.

“Hmmm.” Anne looked up from her dessert menu. “Chocolate lava cake or chocolate soufflé? I can’t decide. What are you having?”

“Well, I’m a simple guy. They don’t have apple pie, but they have an apple tart, which I’ll get.”

“The lava cake is calling my name. I’m all in for calories tonight. Tomorrow my clothes probably won’t fit, but I don’t care.”

He took a sip of water and placed the glass back on the table. “Anne, you would still be beautiful in my eyes.”

“Aw. That’s sweet.” She placed the menu on the table and was about to say something else but was interrupted by the buzzing on her phone. Anne reached down to get her purse. She glanced at the phone and frowned. “It’s the babysitter. Something may be wrong. I better take this.”



“Yes. Oh no! Hold on.”

Killian watched Anne’s blue eyes go from joyful to worried. She put her hand over the phone, her lips trembling. “Killian. The babysitter says the lights are off and it’s dark in the house.”

“Okaaay. Are all the street lights off?” he asked calmly.

Anne asked and looked over at him frantically. “No, just my house.”

This couldn’t be happening. Was someone trying to get into the house? Who? Killian swiftly pulled out his phone, tapping the screen to look at the security feed. He saw nothing out of the ordinary.

“Have her go to the bathroom with Silas and lock the door.”

Anne repeated what he said and hung up.

“I’ll call the police and KnightGuard Security to see who’s around.” He gave a head nod to the server and asked for their check. Anne picked up her purse and was halfway out the door before she turned to look for Killian.

“What do you think happened? If someone broke in, wouldn’t the alarm go off? Do you think it’s something more than just the house losing electricity? Are they in danger?”

Killian blew out a breath. “Let’s calm down. I don’t know what happened. The alarm would go off if someone broke in. I don’t know if it’s just your house that lost electricity or surrounding houses. As for danger, we’ll be there soon and see what’s happening.”

Damn. Who could he call to get over there?
