Page 74 of Evidence of Truth

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He’d been driving for an hour already. It was getting dark. Bobby’s place was out of the way and still another hour away.

“I have to pee,” said Silas.

Martin glanced over and saw him holding his crotch. He didn’t want to stop, but he didn’t want to drive the truck with pee smells, either.

“Damn,” he huffed. “I’m going to pull over up ahead. You two will get out and do your business one at a time. I’ll have my gun on you the whole time.” Martin looked around the woods. It was darker here, with no streetlights. He saw a secluded pull-off and parked.

Pointing his gun at Anne, he said, “Come on, kid, unbuckle and get out.”

Silas slid over and walked in front of the truck. Martin heard him pull his zipper down and whiz. When Silas came back, he helped him into the truck. “Now you,” he growled at Anne. “No funny business.”

Anne opened the door and walked behind a bush. Martin could still see her head. When she was finished, she got back into the truck, buckled her and Silas in, and they were off.

The storm was getting worse. Martin’s windshield wipers were doing double time, and he struggled to find the cutoff to Bobby’s house.

Finally, he saw Bobby’s mailbox and took a right. The dirt road was bumpy from potholes, and he slowed down. No sense ruining his truck over this.

However, he’d buy a brand-new truck and get rid of this junk heap when he got to wherever he was going. Until then, slow and easy.

Bobby’s house came into view. A light was on in the window, and Bobby’s truck was parked next to the house.

“Your final destination.” Martin couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips. God, he was funny.

Anne glanced over and gave him the evil eye. What did he care? He was almost free.

Martin knocked on the door. Waited a minute when no one answered, then knocked again. He heard footsteps and swearing.

The door opened, and a pissed-off Bobby, in just his boxers, stood in the doorway, staring at Anne and Silas. “What the hell?”

“Change of plans, my friend. They’ve seen my face.”

“Really? This couldn’t wait until tomorrow?” Bobby stepped back into the room, rubbing his eyes.

“Bobby, this couldn’t be helped,” said Martin as he pushed Anne and Silas into the living room. “Let’s get them comfortable, and we’ll talk.”

“Bring them into the kitchen,” said Bobby. He walked over to a small closet and pulled out some rope.

They tied Anne and Silas to the chairs. Anne had tears dripping down her face. Tough for her. It was all her fault anyhow. He tried to get the bear without involving her, but it didn’t work.

“It was a brutal day at work, and I’m exhausted. We’ll talk tomorrow,” said Bobby. He did a chin lift to the couch. “You can take that,” he said as he returned to his bedroom.

Martin took off his shoes and glanced over at Anne. “You heard the man. I’ll duct-tape your mouths if I hear a peep from either of you. Go to sleep.” He tucked his duffle behind a chair and lay down on the couch and closed his eyes. Tomorrow was going to be a busy one.

* * *

Anne sat quietly in the chair. What else was she supposed to do? The self-defense lessons she took didn’t address what to do if you were tied up. Silas was half asleep, his head nodding up and down.

As she worked the rope securing her to the chair, she wondered if Killian knew they were missing and what he was doing about it.

Would he rescue them in time? Where would he even start?

For sure, he’d find her car at school. But then what? She had faith in KnightGuard Security and trusted that they would make every effort to find her and Silas.

Tomorrow would come soon enough.

She didn’t want to die, and she especially didn’t want Silas to. He had his whole life ahead of him.

What was it about the bear that caused Martin to kidnap them for it? Who was this Bobby? Where the hell were they?
