Page 82 of Evidence of Truth

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“We have to save Anne. The bad man came back. He shot Martin. He was going to kill us. Hurry.”

Killian tightly hugged Silas and then released him. “How did you escape?”

“Anne untied me. I could only untie her hands when the bad man came back. We have to rescue Anne.” Silas was shivering from head to toe.

Luke walked over and stooped down. “Hey, little bud. How about we leave here and let everyone else rescue Anne? You need to be checked out by the doctor.”

“I don’t want to leave Anne,” cried Silas.

“Anne would want to know that you were safe and being taken care of,” said Luke. He looked over at Killian and raised his brows.

Killian got it. The boy needed to be away from whatever was going down. If Anne were dead, he didn’t need to see that, and he certainly didn’t need to see any more killing if he saw Martin being shot.

“Silas, go with Luke, please. I need to know that you’re okay. I can’t rescue Anne if I’m worried about you,” Killian said.

“Okay,” Silas replied, his voice quavering. “But please hurry.”

“I’ll radio the cops when I get to the hospital,” said Luke. “You’ll have time to get Anne before they get here.” He gave Killian the look. He knew what was going down. Luke took Silas’s hand and walked to his car. He secured him in the back seat and drove off, leaving a trail of dust.

As Luke drove off with Silas, Killian could only stare at his truck.

Thank God Silas was all right. Now they had to rescue Anne and pray she was still alive. He couldn’t even think of the alternative.

Killian returned to his truck and continued down the uneven road, which twisted and turned followed by the other two vehicles.

Finally, he saw an opening and spotted the roof of the cabin. Parking in the woods, they all turned off their vehicles and grouped around Killian’s truck.

Sunlight filtered through the trees, and the humid air clung to their bodies, mixing with the sweat of fear. A loud squawk from the woods had everyone on edge.

“This is it,” said Killian. The cabin was as he imagined—rundown and sad-looking. He started walking along the periphery.

“Killian, wait,” whispered Sam.

He turned to look at her. Didn’t she understand he had to get to Anne? “What?”

Sam rolled her eyes and huffed. “We don’t just run into something by ourselves. I know you’re anxious. I am, too. But let’s be smart about this.”

Killian stood there, afraid to move. His body was tightly coiled, and his mind filled with rage. He had to get to Anne. He needed to know she was alive, and they were wasting time.

“Take a deep breath and step back,” warned Sam. “Or you’ll be waiting in your truck.”

The other men moved closer to him. Killian forced his body to relax. He was used to working with a team, obeying orders and taking action, then riding the adrenaline high. But love made a man do crazy things, and it took him a minute to remember that while he wasn’t in the SEALs anymore, he was still part of a team.

He took a deep breath. “I’m okay.”

“Good,” replied Sam. “Pete and Hank stake out the front while Killian, Joe, and I work our way to the back. Logan, check out the truck and side of the house. We’ll meet inside when we’re in place on my signal.”

“Works for me,” Hank said.

They inserted their earpieces and quietly and quickly made their way over to the cabin. Logan duck-walked over to the truck. Pete and Hank were on either side of the front door, and Sam, Joe, and Killian slipped around the back.

Killian willed his heart to slow down. He was both afraid of what he’d find and hoping they would find Anne alive.

The three of them stood on either side of the back door. Pulled out their guns. Killian took a deep breath, his heart pounding. After what felt like an hour, Sam gave the okay to breach the doors.

Joe and Killian kicked it in. The door slammed back and forth, almost hitting Sam. In less than two seconds, everyone was in the house.

The smell of raw garbage hit his nose. He gagged. But it was Anne lying on the floor, her feet still attached to a chair, that did him in. His stomach heaved. Please don’t let me lose my shit now. Killian swallowed hard. His vision clouded. The urge to kill Jenkins warred with his need to help Anne.
