Page 44 of Dark of Night

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“Probably some pretty nice beaches, huh?”

He nodded, and she smiled wistfully. “I’m going to make it happen one day. I mean, have you even lived if you haven’t gone swimming in turquoise-coloured water?”

He purred to her, and her smile widened. “I really like your purring. It’s nice.”

He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to pick her up, take her to his bed, and hold her in his arms while she slept. His lion agreed wholeheartedly with him, but Wes took a step back and cleared his throat. “It’s late. I’ll show you the guest room so you can get some sleep.”

“Yeah, okay.” That soft smile still on her face, Eleanor followed him out of the office.


“Alfie, I swear to God, if you shit in the house one more time, I’m gonna make you into a mincemeat pie, you little asshole.”

The miniature poodle stared up at Boone before turning and trotting down the hallway toward Nan’s bedroom.

“I mean it, you little shit!” Boone called. “Mincemeat pie!”

“Stop threatening Alfie,” his grandmother hollered. “Or I’ll tell him to poop in your shoe.”

“He already pooped in my shoe!” Boone said. “Twice!”

His grandmother laughed, and Boone muttered a curse under his breath before finishing loading the dishwasher. Chase’s cousin was due to arrive any minute for the interview, and while he didn’t hold out any hope that she’d last more than a day with his grandmother, he didn’t have much choice. Apparently, the local private nurses in the city had a network, and the word was out about his grandmother. He couldn’t get a single one to even interview with him.

Panic stirred at his insides, and his tiger paced restlessly back and forth. While Cooper was a great boss and hadn’t said a word about all the work Boone had missed, he couldn’t take the next six weeks off while his grandmother healed. He didn’t have that much vacation time, and he’d be screwing over Coop and the rest of the team even if he could take off the entire six weeks. More panic churned his guts. He loved his nan, but he also loved his job and didn’t want to lose it.

He wiped down the counters and set a fresh pot of coffee to brew. If this Hedra chick could last even a couple of days, that would give Boone time to contact some private nurses outside of the city.

It’s not gonna work, his tiger grumbled. She’s a human. Nan will eat her alive.

She has a shifter father. She’s human, but she has some shifter in her. It’ll be fine, Boone replied.

Boone thought he sounded confident enough, but it wasn’t like he could lie to his tiger. The damn thing could feel his anxiety, and it only heightened his tiger’s nervousness.

The doorbell rang, prompting Alfie to break out into a chorus of high-pitched barking that made Boone want to stick a fork in his ear. He took a deep breath and smoothed back his dark hair. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror in the hallway. Fuck, he needed a haircut and a shave in the worse way. At least his t-shirt and jeans were clean. That was a minor miracle as of late.

This is a bad idea, his tiger growled as Boone reached for the door. She’s human.

She has some shifter in her, Boone repeated and opened the door.

He stared at the human standing on the doorstep. His tiger took one look and then sat up and trilled happily. Ask her if she wants a little more shifter in her. Ask her!

Shut up, you idiot! Boone couldn’t take his eyes off the woman. She had bright blue shoulder-length hair and dark brown eyes framed by long lashes. A smattering of freckles crossed the bridge of her perfect nose, and her septum piercing had a tiny blue opal in the middle of the silver ring. His gaze lingered on her mouth before moving to her body. She was curvy with gorgeous smooth skin, and even the loose scrub top she wore couldn’t disguise the fullness of her breasts. He could easily imagine cupping those lush tits of hers while her soft body made the perfect cushion for his.

One perfectly painted fingernail tapped him on the forehead. He jerked his head up, tearing his gaze from her beautiful tits as his face turned bright red. Holy fuck, he had just ogled his potential new employee like a gross pervert.

“Boone Jameson?” the woman said.

“Yes. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, uh…” Fuck. Why couldn’t he stop staring at her lips?

Because they would look incredible wrapped around your dick?

His inner voice was not fucking helping.

“I’m used to it,” she said. “My tits are pretty awesome. Although, if you’re going to drool on them every time you see me, we should probably not bother with the interview.”

“Sorry,” he said again as he stared directly into her pretty brown eyes. “I’m not usually, I mean… I have no excuse beyond that was incredibly rude, and it won’t happen again.”

She grinned at him and held out her hand. “Let’s start over. I’m Hedra Miller.”
