Page 51 of Dark of Night

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“Grayson or Chase can go with her,” Wes said to Cooper. “I don’t need to go.”

“She asked for you specifically,” Cooper said.

“Eleanor can’t be left alone,” Wes said.

“I’m fine,” Eleanor said. “I won’t leave your house.”

Wes shook his head. “It isn’t safe.”

“That’s why I brought Chase,” Cooper said. “He’ll watch Eleanor while you’re with Mrs. Robertson.”

“No fucking way,” Wes growled. “He doesn’t have the experience to keep her safe.”

“Yeah, I do,” Chase said with a scowl. “Don’t be a dick, Wes.”

“I’m not being a dick.”

“You kind of are,” Eleanor said.

He frowned at her, but she shrugged. “I call it as I see it, buddy.”

“I just want you to be safe,” he said.

“I know, and I appreciate that. But you also need to do your actual job, the one that you get paid for,” she said.

“I tried to convince Alanna to use Grayson,” Cooper said. “But she’s insistent it be you. You know if we refuse, she’ll stop using us for security. And it isn’t just about her.”

“What do you mean?” Eleanor said.

“Nothing,” Wes said. “Don’t worry about it, Eleanor.”

“What do you mean, Cooper?” Eleanor repeated.

Looking a little uncomfortable, Cooper said, “Alanna Robertson was one of our first clients when I started Shadow Security. She’s never been in any real danger, but she has plenty of friends and acquaintances in the city. People who need our security services.”

“We provide all the security needs for Thomas Bidler. Do you know who that is?” Chase said to Eleanor.

She nodded. “Yeah. Richest guy in the city. He created some app that made him millions.”

“That’s the guy. He’s our client because Mrs. Robertson is friends with him, and she recommended Coop’s company to him,” Chase said. “If she doesn’t get what she wants from us…”

“She’ll tell him to stop using you for security,” Eleanor said.

“Unfortunately, yes,” Cooper said. “To be completely upfront with you, forty percent of our current client list is directly because of Alanna’s recommendations.”

“Holy shit,” Eleanor turned to Wes, “you have to do it, Wes.”

He scrubbed a hand across his face. Eleanor was right, but fuck did it bug him to leave her alone.

Alone? Or alone with Chase?

He ignored his inner voice. He didn’t have much choice. He wouldn’t be the one responsible for Cooper losing forty percent of his business, no matter how badly he wanted to keep Eleanor safe. He took a deep breath and nodded. “Yeah, okay.”

“Good,” Cooper said. “Chase will stay here with Eleanor until -”

“You let no one inside. Do you understand?” Wes said to Chase. “You don’t open that fucking door to anyone but me. I don’t care if your damn grandmother is knocking on the door.”

“Relax, Wes, I know how to do my job,” Chase said.
